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We Have the Receipts: U.S. Senate Republican Candidates in Lock Step with Lindsay Graham’s New National Abortion Ban

Lindsay Graham and Senate Republicans aren’t the only ones going all in on abortion bans. So far this cycle, in key swing states, every single U.S. Senate Republican nominee has signaled their support for abortion bans — including bans without any exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother and bans before many people even know they are pregnant. And we have the receipts…

Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.
Thursday, Jun 23 2022

Overcoming GOP Opposition, U.S. Senate Passes Historic Bipartisan Gun Reform

Senate passes bipartisan gun violence prevention bill despite opposition from Ron Johnson, Marco Rubio, Chuck Grassley, other Republicans.

Thursday, Jun 2 2022

Billy Long Blames Mass Shootings On Abortion

According to the American Independent, Missouri Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Billy Long  yesterday shamelessly used last week’s horrific mass shooting…

Wednesday, May 18 2022

ICYMI: Hartzler & Hawley Donors “Cover[ed] Up” Child Sex Abuse

A new report from Heartland Signal uncovers that Missouri Republican U.S. Senate candidate Vicky Hartzler and 2024 presidential hopeful Sen. Josh Hawley received thousands…

Monday, May 2 2022

GOP Senate Candidates Get What They Asked For: The End Of Roe v. Wade

2022 Republican U.S. Senate candidates are getting what they’ve repeatedly asked for, with Politico reporting on a draft opinion suggesting that the Supreme…

Monday, May 2 2022

GOP To Push Hardline Federal Abortion Ban

A new Washington Post report highlights that Republicans are planning to push a hardline national abortion-ban bill that would outlaw abortion after 6…

Big Pharma-Backed Billy Long Votes To Keep Insulin Costs High

In case you missed it, U.S. House Republicans yesterday lined up against Democratic efforts to lower health care costs by capping…

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