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Sen. Chuck Morse speaks with the Monitor editorial board on Monday, June 22, 2015.

(ELIZABETH FRANTZ / Monitor staff)

Governor New Hampshire

Chuck Morse

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Press Releases Chuck Morse Wednesday, Jul 19 2023

Meet the The Extreme Anti-Abortion Candidate Chuck Morse Who Just Announced his Campaign for Governor of New Hampshire

Within seven minutes of current New Hampshire Governor Chis Sununu announcing he would not run for re-election, extreme anti-abortion rights politician Chuck Morse announced his campaign for governor. Morse is considered “the architect” of New Hampshire’s abortion ban and voted against codifying Roe v. Wade into state law. In response, American Bridge Spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement: “Republicans can’t seem to figure out that extreme candidates like Chuck Morse…

Wednesday, May 11 2022

Senate Republicans Again Block Abortion Rights Bill

In U.S. Senate races across the country, Republicans are far-out-of-step with voters on abortion and reproductive health care, pushing for…

Monday, May 9 2022

GOP Senate Candidates Campaign on Abortion Bans

A new report from Axios highlights that Georgia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Florida, and Ohio all have one critical thing in…

Friday, May 6 2022

Anti-Abortion NHSEN Republicans Wrong For Granite State

This week, Kevin Smith said “we are SO close to ending abortion,” while Chuck Morse was a deciding vote against…

Tuesday, May 3 2022

NRSC Instructs 2022 Candidates To Lie About Abortion

Republicans know how unpopular their position is, but they can’t lie their way out of this In a new National…

Monday, May 2 2022

GOP Senate Candidates Get What They Asked For: The End Of Roe v. Wade

2022 Republican U.S. Senate candidates are getting what they’ve repeatedly asked for, with Politico reporting on a draft opinion suggesting that the Supreme…

Monday, May 2 2022

GOP To Push Hardline Federal Abortion Ban

A new Washington Post report highlights that Republicans are planning to push a hardline national abortion-ban bill that would outlaw abortion after 6…

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