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Press Releases Adam Laxalt Blake Masters Herschel Walker JD Vance Kevin Smith Ted Budd Vicky Hartzler LGBTQ+ Monday, Aug 1 2022

2022 GOP U.S. Senate Candidates Oppose Interracial, Same-Sex Marriage

Aug 01, 2022

Today, in a new report from LGBTQ Nation, Drew Godinich, American Bridge 21st Century’s Senior Director of Communications, broke down where the 2022 Republican U.S. Senate candidates stand on marriage equality: shocker they oppose it.

On the campaign trail, Republican Senate candidates have been clear that “they support an erosion of equality protections, making their extremist views on marriage equality, abortion access, and other freedoms central to their campaigns.”

Via LGBTQ Nation:

  • In Ohio, J.D. Vance has “said he would vote ‘no’ on the Respect for Marriage Act.” Vance has also “suggested that people in ‘violent’ marriages should not get divorced. The potential senator emphasized that children live happier and healthier lives with a mother and father engaged in domestic violence compared to children raised by non-violent LGBTQ parents.”

  • In North Carolina, Ted Budd ‘voted ‘no’ on the Respect for Marriage Act.” and “said he would ‘defend marriage as an institution of one man and one woman.’”

  • In Missouri, Vicky Hartzler “skipped the vote on marriage equality” and has  “introduced legislation to protect the Defense of Marriage Act, which legally defined marriage between one man and one woman.” Hartzler has also “bragged about leading a statewide campaign to oppose marriage equality.”

  • In Nevada, Adam Laxalt “has refused to take a position on the Respect for Marriage Act” and “said he believes marriage is between one man and one woman and in 2014 pledged to defend Nevada’s samesex marriage ban.”

  • In Georgia, Herschel Walker “has refused to take a position on the Respect for Marriage Act,” but “when asked whether he would ‘stop the gay weddings,’ Walker said that ‘each state should determine that.’”

  • In Arizona, Blake Masters “has refused to take a position on the Respect for Marriage Act” and “said samesex marriage should be banned, even though he attended the samesex wedding of his billionaire Big Tech backer Peter Thiel.”

  • In New Hampshire, Kevin Smith “has refused to take a position on the Respect for Marriage Act” and even “tried to repeal marriage equality after the Granite State became the sixth state to legalize it.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Aug 1, 2022 | Last Modified: Aug 28, 2022

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