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Sunday, Apr 12 2020

Martha McSally Should Put Money Where Her Mouth Is and Return $40,000 in Contributions From Senators Accused of Insider Trading

Tonight, The Hill reported that Senator Martha McSally and top Trump adviser Larry Kudlow slammed Georgia Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue…

Thursday, Mar 19 2020

American Bridge Calls on Senator Burr to Resign Immediately Over Likely Criminal Behavior

"Senator Burr needs to resign immediately. His conduct as detailed by this report represents a gross violation of the public's…

Thursday, Mar 19 2020

Devastating Audio of Sen. Burr’s Coronavirus Warning Raises Questions About What Susan Collins Knew and When Did She Know It

This morning, NPR obtained devastating audio of Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Richard Burr telling an elite group of business people in a…

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