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News News Articles The Oppo Dump Nikki Haley Wednesday, Feb 21 2024

ICYMI: Haley Sides With Alabama Supreme Court on IVF Ruling

In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Nikki Haley sided with the extreme Alabama Supreme Court decision that legally recognized frozen embryos as children. "When you talk about an embryo, you are talking about, to me, that’s a life. And so I do see where that’s coming from when they talk about that,” said Haley during the interview. It’s the second major time that Haley…

Friday, Apr 28 2023

NEW: Haley Weighs in on Bud Light’s Sponsored Content with Transphobic Remarks

While known transphobic bigot, Anheuser-Busch stock owner, and GOP 2024 frontrunner Donald Trump remains conspicuously silent in the conversation around Bud Light’s…

Friday, Mar 10 2023

Pence and Haley Want to Gut Medicare and Social Security

President Joe Biden introduced his plan to lower the deficit while protecting Medicare and Social Security – and 2024 GOP…

Wednesday, Mar 1 2023

2024 GOP Presidential Hopefuls Can’t Stop Touching Third Rail of Politics

According to a new report from Politico, Republicans are preparing for war in the 2024 presidential primary over their proposed plans to…

Nikki Haley’s DOA Campaign Can’t Differentiate Itself from Trump or Anyone in the GOP

Yesterday, Nikki Haley appeared on Hannity and was once again unable to make a clear case as to why she’s running for…

ICYMI – AP: Haley faces ‘high-wire act’ in 2024 bid against Trump

Today, the Associated Press reported on Nikki Haley’s upcoming presidential campaign announcement. Haley’s campaign appears to be dead in the…

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