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Friday, Apr 28 2023

NEW: Haley Weighs in on Bud Light’s Sponsored Content with Transphobic Remarks

Apr 28, 2023

While known transphobic bigot, Anheuser-Busch stock owner, and GOP 2024 frontrunner Donald Trump remains conspicuously silent in the conversation around Bud Light’s partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, nonentities like Nikki Haley have decided to weigh in.

A new report from Jezebel containing audio of Nikki Haley’s campaign event yesterday in New Hampshire shows Haley making grotesque and bigoted remarks about the influencer. According to Jezebel, Haley said:

“Have any of you all seen Dylan Mulvaney? You know who that is? On the beer cans? Let me tell you something. I know that there are transgender people out there—that is not a transgender person. That is a guy dressing up like a girl, making fun of women. [inaudible]. We don’t act like that. Yet companies are glorifying him. And then we’re supposed to tell our girls, ‘Be strong and be confident?’ What are we doing?”

Haley’s campaign is sputtering and doing everything it can to engage with the GOP’s far right base – and it’s not working.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump — no stranger to attacking trans people — has been, according to Real Clear Politics, “MIA” when it comes to the Bud Light boycott controversy. In fact, Trump’s newly filed Personal Financial Disclosure detailed his $1 million – $5 million investment in Anheuser-Busch InBev, which he held from January 2021 to December 2022. 

According to a recent report from The Independent: “it’s possible that Mr Trump’s reluctance to criticise the company that makes the middling American beverage stems from his personal financial interests.”

Republicans will only keep their bigotry to themselves when they think it impacts their bottom line. 

Published: Apr 28, 2023

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