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Wednesday, Mar 1 2023

2024 GOP Presidential Hopefuls Can’t Stop Touching Third Rail of Politics

Mar 01, 2023

According to a new report from Politico, Republicans are preparing for war in the 2024 presidential primary over their proposed plans to gut retirement programs that millions of Americans depend on. What was shaping up to be a “referendum on Trump himself is now also becoming one on Medicare and Social Security.”

Trump — who repeatedly proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare when he was in office — is openly attacking Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley over their efforts to “reform” these entitlements by raising the age of retirement, privatizing the programs, and forcing cuts during annual budget negotiations. 

Here is how the GOP 2024 presidential field plans to “reform” Social Security and Medicare if elected:

  • While in office, Donald Trump’s budgets “sought steep safety net cuts, including tens of billions of dollars in reductions to Social Security benefits for disabled workers and Medicare changes.”

  • As a Paul Ryan lackey, Ron DeSantis “voted on three non-binding budgets that called for gradually raising Medicare’s eligibility age.” He also has “expressed support” for privatizing Social Security. 

  • Former Vice President Mike Pence recently said that he wants to privatize Social Security and make it one of his key policy proposals ahead of the 2024 presidential race. 

  • Nikki Haley has been criticized for wanting “entitlement cuts in order to slow the growth of the government” and has said changing Americans’ Social Security and Medicare is “absolutely” a part of her agenda. 

  • Other possible 2024 presidential candidates, such as “South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), have supported entitlement changes.”

Read the full report here.

Published: Mar 1, 2023

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