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U.S. Senate Arizona

Martha McSally

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Martha McSally Wednesday, Jul 8 2020

Ads Launch Featuring Martha McSally’s Devastating Comments About Women in the Military

Watch the new ad here, and read Salon’s bombshell report here McSally: “Go work at WalMart if you want to do that” In the aftermath of this morning's devastating report on Martha McSally’s comments from 2007 about women in the military getting pregnant to avoid deployment, American Bridge 21st Century is launching a new ad in Arizona today. The digital ad begins running statewide in Arizona starting this afternoon,…

Monday, Mar 2 2020

Supreme Court Puts Massive Spotlight on Senate GOP’s Votes To Take Health Care Away From Millions

In response to the Supreme Court announcing it will hear oral arguments on the latest Republican lawsuit to overturn the…

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