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Donald Trump Failed the American Economy

Donald Trump’s Project 2025-sponsored Republican National Convention’s kickoff in Milwaukee rewrote the history of Trump’s handling of the economy during his first term in office. Trump failed on the economy as the only sitting president to leave office with fewer American jobs than when he was sworn in.  Trump’s unnecessary trade wars, tax scams for the wealthy, and poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic cratered the…

ICYMI: Eric Hovde Has Supported Tax Hikes for Working Families & Tax Cuts for the Rich

A new report from the Wisconsin Independent highlights California millionaire and GOP Senate candidate Eric Hovde’s troubling history of supporting tax cuts…

Wednesday, May 22 2024

ICYMI: Trump Organization Picks Foreign Labor over American Workers

According to an analysis of Department of Labor records done by Forbes Magazine, Donald Trump’s businesses relied on more temporary foreign…

Monday, Apr 15 2024

Why Did Eric Hovde Flip-Flop on Green Energy Tax Cuts? $$$

This morning, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel dropped a story on Wisconsin U.S. Senate candidate (and California banker) Eric Hovde’s flip-flop…

Friday, Mar 1 2024

This F*cking Guy Started a Harmful Trade War

Six years ago today, Trump announced tariffs of 25 percent for foreign-made steel and 10 percent for aluminum. The policy…

Extremism is on the ballot in New Hampshire

For nearly a year, Republicans in the Granite State were promised Trump alternatives for the First in the Nation primary;…

Friday, Dec 8 2023

ICYMI: Tim Sheehy Forgot to Mention the Family Money in His ‘Self-Made’ Success Story

A new report from the Daily Beast today shows that one of the Republican Senate candidates in Montana, Tim Sheehy, completely fabricated…

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