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New Hampshire

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Bad Day To Be Kelly Ayotte

Folks — if you’re having a bad day today, just be thankful you’re not Republican New Hampshire gubernatorial candidate Kelly Ayotte waking up to these headlines. “Damn, pour one out for Kelly Ayotte tonight — or hell, this afternoon,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Monica Venzke. “We all have tough days, but we certainly don’t all have days where multiple career scandals are made news.…

Press Releases Chuck Morse Wednesday, Jul 19 2023

Meet the The Extreme Anti-Abortion Candidate Chuck Morse Who Just Announced his Campaign for Governor of New Hampshire

Within seven minutes of current New Hampshire Governor Chis Sununu announcing he would not run for re-election, extreme anti-abortion rights politician Chuck Morse announced…

SC, NH Visits Underline Trump’s Eroding Support As 2024 GOP Hopefuls Prepare to Jump into Primary

Tomorrow, Trump will be visiting two critical early primary states: South Carolina and New Hampshire. This will be the first time…

Tuesday, Jan 24 2023

LISTEN: GOP Presidential Wannabe Chris Sununu Calls for Slashing Entitlements & Education

Today, New Hampshire Governor and 2024 GOP presidential longshot Chris Sununu called into the The Hugh Hewitt Show to talk about his…

Monday, Nov 14 2022

AB21 Leadership on Democratic Victories in Key Senate Races

With wins in key battleground states like Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Arizona, and Nevada, Democrats have defied history and expanded their…

Tuesday, Nov 1 2022

As Feds Warn of Domestic Violence Around the 2022 Election, GOP Senate Candidates Continue to Spread Conspiracy Theories

A new report from CNN found that the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, US Capitol Police and National Counterterrorism Center are warning…

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