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Governor New Hampshire

Kelly Ayotte

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Bad Day To Be Kelly Ayotte

Folks — if you’re having a bad day today, just be thankful you’re not Republican New Hampshire gubernatorial candidate Kelly Ayotte waking up to these headlines. “Damn, pour one out for Kelly Ayotte tonight — or hell, this afternoon,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Monica Venzke. “We all have tough days, but we certainly don’t all have days where multiple career scandals are made news.…

News Kelly Ayotte Labor Taxes Friday, Nov 4 2016

Keep Doing Photo-Ops Kelly, NH Knows You Won’t Fight For Working Families

Another day, another photo-op by Senator Kelly Ayotte. Once again, Senator Ayotte is making her rounds at fast food drive-thrus,…

Thursday, Nov 3 2016

Kelly Ayotte Gives Another Lackluster, Robotic Performance At Last Debate

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement on the New Hampshire Senate debate: "In her last chance to…

Friday, Oct 28 2016

American Bridge President Statement On New Hampshire Senate Debate

"Senator Kelly Ayotte's desperate attempts to save her political career during tonight's debate show just how far out of touch…

Friday, Oct 14 2016

American Bridge Statement on Kelly Ayotte's Disastrous Debate

Statement from Jessica Mackler, president, American Bridge, on Senator Kelly Ayotte’s disastrous debate this morning: “Kelly Ayotte continues to prove…

Saturday, Oct 8 2016

Too Little, Too Late, Kelly Ayotte.

Senator Kelly Ayotte's decision on Donald Trump is way too little, way too late. Ayotte didn't shy away from supporting…

Wednesday, Oct 5 2016

Senator Kelly Ayotte Supports Lying, Hateful Presidential Ticket

Last night’s debate made it abundantly clear that there is no explanation for Donald Trump’s campaign of racism, and the…

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