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News Thursday, Dec 8 2016

American Bridge Statement On Andrew Puzder's Nomination for Labor Secretary

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on Donald Trump's nomination of Andrew Puzder to be Labor Secretary: "Donald Trump has spent his life attacking working families. Even today, Trump continues to fight workers and their unions for standing up to him with facts. The simple truth is that Trump built his fortune by cheating small business owners, contractors, and his employees. "What…

News Outsourcing Monday, Sep 5 2016

Trump-Pence: Make America Outsource Again!

It's fitting that Donald Trump and Mike Pence are making a half-hearted, last-minute visit to Ohio to "commemorate" Labor Day,…

Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

Memorándum: Cómo Marco Rubio le ha fallado a Florida

Cuando Marco Rubio rompió con su promesa de no postularse para la reelección en la Florida, demostró que su camino…

Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

MEMO: How Marco Rubio Has Failed Florida

When Marco Rubio reneged on his pledge to not run for reelection in Florida, it was clear that his path…

Tuesday, Aug 23 2016

Pence To Plug Anti-Working Families Ticket At Non-Union Manufacturer

It's fitting that Mike Pence is today campaigning at a non-union, Pipersville, PA, manufacturer, because Pence and Donald Trump have a decidedly…

Monday, Aug 8 2016

Trump Opposes The Federal Minimum Wage

Forget raising the federal minimum wage, if Donald Trump gets his way, there won't be a federal minimum wage at all. When Trump was asked…

Wednesday, Jul 20 2016

Marco Rubio Thinks Trump's "Wholly" Unfit To Be President — But Will Vote For Him & Likes His Policies

Marco Rubio knows who the real Donald Trump is -- but he's supporting him and speaking on his behalf tonight…

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