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Minimum Wage

Tuesday, May 10 2016

Presumptive GOP Nominee Donald Trump Still Unfit To Be Commander In Chief

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement on presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump's wins tonight: "Even as the…

Monday, May 9 2016

WATCH: Trump's Harsh Minimum Wage Reality

This weekend, Donald Trump called for eliminating the federal minimum wage. That comes as no surprise because it fits right in…

Thursday, May 5 2016

What Donald Trump Won't Tell West Virginia Tonight

The story isn't what Donald Trump will say in West Virginia, but what he has already said. No matter what…

Thursday, May 5 2016

Don't Be Fooled: Trump Thinks America's "Wages Too High"

Buckle up, folks-- Donald Trump is the Republican nominee and his record is going out the window.  Despite what he…

Tuesday, Apr 19 2016

Toomey Toes The #PartyofTrump Line On Minimum Wage

Echoing Donald Trump's position that, "Having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for this country," vulnerable Pennsylvania…

Thursday, Mar 3 2016

GOP Field Unanimously Oppose Raising The Minimum Wage

John Kasich told Fox debate viewers that he agrees with most Republicans in opposing an increase to the federal minimum…

News Saturday, Feb 13 2016

GOP Field Continues to Tout Out-Of-Touch Positions On Minimum Wage

From opposing an increase to the $7.25 minimum wage to opposing a federal minimum wage altogether, every single GOP candidate…

News Saturday, Feb 6 2016

GOP To Working Families: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Republicans teeter between opposing any increase in the $15,000 a U.S. worker receives annually on the minimum wage, and opposing…

Tuesday, Jan 12 2016

GOP Field & Republican Congress: A Pay Raise? Don't Count On It.

The breadth of the Republican field and their GOP pals in Congress don't have much respect for America's working families.…

Thursday, Oct 15 2015

NEW VIDEO: Marco Rubio's Hypocrisy On Working Families

Marco Rubio yesterday borrowed from Jeb Bush's playbook of revealing just how out of touch and extreme his positions are,…

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