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Two Years Ago They Were Popping Champagne Over the Dobbs Decision — Now They’re Trying to Explain Their Records to Voters

Just under two years ago, House Republicans were popping champagne at the Dobbs decision, which struck down Roe v. Wade, and the loss of reproductive freedom across America. Now, those same candidates are facing the stark reality that their extreme anti-choice agenda is giving voters even more reason to vote against them. See what Republicans in some of the most competitive districts said about Roe…

News Press Releases Mike Rogers Friday, Jan 19 2024

🩴 FLIP FLOP ALERT​​ 🩴 MI-SEN Candidate Mike Rogers is Now Calling for Government Shutdown After Spending a Decade Opposing Them

For years, Michigan GOP Senate candidate Mike Rogers has said that government shutdowns  were a “problem,” “unconscionable,” “put America’s national security at…

Press Releases Peter Meijer Monday, Nov 6 2023

American Bridge Statement on Peter Meijer U.S. Senate Campaign Announcement

Today, former-Congressman and billionaire heir Peter Meijer threw his hat into the increasingly-crowded ring for the GOP nomination for the…

Press Releases James Craig Tuesday, Oct 3 2023

The Michigan Senate GOP Primary Becomes the GOP’s Latest Dumpster Fire

Today, failed gubernatorial candidate James Craig announced he is jumping into the GOP primary for U.S. Senate — if he can…

“TRUMP SOLD US OUT”: AB21 Sends Airplane to Trump’s Michigan Event

Donald Trump spent the entirety of his time in the White House pushing an anti-worker agenda that hurt American auto…

Press Releases Mike Rogers Wednesday, Sep 6 2023

Florida Man Seeks GOP Nomination for U.S. Senate in Michigan

Florida man, failed presidential candidate, and former Congressman Mike Rogers announced today that he is running for U.S. Senate in Michigan.…

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