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News Press Releases Donald Trump Reproductive Rights Tuesday, May 14 2024

ICYMI: AB21’s Paid Media Blitz Makes Headlines

May 14, 2024

This week, American Bridge 21st Century launched their first round of ads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. These ads are the first wave of a $140 million ad campaign against Donald Trump, primarily targeting women voters in suburban and exurban communities in key battleground states. They focus on one of the most important fights of this election cycle: abortion rights; and the threats another four years of Donald Trump would pose to women across this country.

Read the coverage below.

Associated Press: A new Democratic ad campaign targets one of Trump’s most loyal blocs: Rural voters

The ads, from American Bridge 21st Century, will begin airing Monday in the northern battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. They are aimed at swing voters in smaller media markets that are less saturated with political advertising and where they hope to reach people, especially women, who may be on the fence.

Washington Post: Democratic group starts attacking Trump with abortion rights testimonials

The ads by American Bridge 21st Century target a group of about 2 million persuadable voters, including conservatives who are unhappy with Trump and people who dislike both major party nominees, said Bradley Beychok, the group’s co-founder. The spots — delivered by television, radio, digital and mail through early June — are the first wave of a promised $140 million campaign to reelect President Biden.

The Hill: Democratic group launches testimonial ads targeting Trump as part of $140M campaign

“Through our organizing efforts, we’ve recruited hundreds of people living in these battleground states, who were willing to share their stories about why another Trump White House would be so devastating for them,” [AB21 Co-Founder Bradley Beychok] added. “We’re proud to provide the platform that ensures that voters in these key states hear their stories, and we know they’re going to make all the difference on Election Day.”

CNN: Democratic group launches $25 million ad blitz targeting Trump on abortion

The ads, which the group says will target women voters living in rural and exurban areas of the three states, represent the latest effort by Democrats to use emotional, straight-to-the-camera stories to sway election outcomes since the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022.

American Bridge co-founder Bradley Beychok said the group has recruited hundreds of voters “willing to share their stories about why another Trump White House would be so devastating for them.”

MSNBC’s Morning Joe: Trump slammed in $140M ad blitz over reproductive healthcare stance

The political group American Bridge 21st Century is launching a new $140 million ad campaign across key battleground states slamming former President Trump’s actions on reproductive health care.  Ads feature real stories, including a woman’s heartbreaking decision to abort due to fetal health issues. Co-founder of American Bridge 21st Century Bradley Beychok joins Morning Joe.

The Morning Call: Democratic ad campaign tries to chip away at Trump support among rural swing voters in PA, other swing states (Lehigh Valley & Allentown, Pennsylvania)

The ads, part of the group’s broader $200 million effort to defeat Trump, target exurban and rural areas like Erie, Johnstown and Altoona, Pennsylvania; Flint, Saginaw and Bay City, Michigan; and Wausau and Rhinelander, Wisconsin.

Wisconsin State Journal: Democratic ads try to chip away at Trump support among rural voters in Wisconsin, 2 other key states 

Future ads will focus on issues like IVF and democracy and freedom as they try to help voters who are turned off by politics and may not be paying close attention to the election understand the stakes this November.

Detroit News: Democratic ad campaign tries to chip away at Trump support among rural swing voters in 3 key states

“People “want to hear from voters that look like them, that have similar stories,” said Eva Kemp, the group’s vice president of campaigns. She said they spent years recruiting participants via door-to-door canvassing and other outreach, identified over 1,500 potential voices across the three states and interviewed hundreds.

Published: May 14, 2024 | Last Modified: May 15, 2024

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