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House GOP Reps Won’t Defend Their Districts From Trump’s Funding Freeze
Following Trump’s OMB freezing trillions of dollars in federal funds, including tax dollars that go to Medicaid, House Republicans are refusing to stand up to him and defend the people in their districts. While one Republican member refused to provide a comment, many are either justifying or full on embracing the freeze. “These Republicans are going to have to face voters one way or the…

American Bridge Statement on Jared Polis Re-Election Win
On the news that Governor Jared Polis has won re-election, American Bridge spokesperson Alexandra De Luca released the following statement: …

ICYMI: GOP CO-Gov Nominee Heidi Ganahl Comes Out Against Universal Pre-K
Yesterday, The American Independent reported that Republican Colorado gubernatorial nominee Heidi Ganahl came out against universal pre-K in last week’s debate — saying, “There's…

The Company COSEN GOP Candidate Joe O’Dea Keeps: Fundraising With Election Deniers and Anti-Abortion Extremists, Hosted by Rape Apologists
According to a recent report from the American Independent, today Colorado Republican U.S. Senate Nominee Joe O’Dea will attend a major Senate Republican…

We Have the Receipts: U.S. Senate Republican Candidates in Lock Step with Lindsay Graham’s New National Abortion Ban
Lindsay Graham and Senate Republicans aren’t the only ones going all in on abortion bans. So far this cycle, in…

COSEN GOP Candidate Joe O’Dea Not the Moderate He Claims To Be
Recent coverage of Colorado Republican U.S. Senate Nominee Joe O’Dea shows that his claims of being a moderate and an outsider to his party…

GOP Senate Candidates “Attend Fundraiser Hosted By Donors Who Defended Rape”
According to a new report from the American Independent, “a pair of wealthy tech industry donors with a history of writing…