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MT Republican Candidates Sheehy and Gianforte Need to Respond to Anti-IVF Rosendale Letter
Today, Republican Rep. Matt Rosendale, who represents Montana, led the charge on a letter against IVF access in the U.S. House of Representatives. Two key races are top of mind in Montana right now: the gubernatorial race, where incumbent Republican Greg Gianforte is hoping Montanans don’t catch on to his self-serving agenda, and U.S. Senate race, where Tim Sheehy is trying to pretend that he’s not a fake…
Senate Republicans Are Once Again On “An Intraparty Collision Course”
On the heels of a disastrous midterm performance, a new report from Politico highlights that Senate Republicans are once again headed for “an…

MT-Sen Candidate Wannabe Matt Rosendale is Clueless When It Comes to the Reproductive Care He Wants to Ban
Late yesterday, new audio of Montana Congressman and possible candidate for U.S. Senate Matt Rosendale was uncovered by Jezebel exposing that Rosendale is clueless when it…

Get Your Popcorn Ready: Problematic GOP Candidates Emerging In Must-Win Races
Yesterday, a new report from Axios highlighted that the NRSC and Senate Republicans “are again facing the risk of problematic candidates emerging in…
WATCH: Pre Debate, American Bridge Reminds Montanans That Rosendale Is Facing Legal Complaints
American Bridge launched a social media video today to remind Montanans tuning into this Saturday’s Senate debate that State Auditor Matt Rosendale…
Rosendale’s Laundry List of Liabilities
Before the Montana Senate debate tonight, we wanted to remind those tuning in that Matt Rosendale enters the final five…
Senate Brief: Healthcare Looms Large for GOP Senate Candidates
Week of Monday, September 10. IN BRIEF: After nearly a decade of thwarted efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act,…