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Tuesday, Apr 18 2023

Senate Republicans Are Once Again On “An Intraparty Collision Course”

Apr 18, 2023

On the heels of a disastrous midterm performance, a new report from Politico highlights that Senate Republicans are once again headed for “an intraparty collision” that could cost them another “shot at retaking the majority,” thanks to well-funded, right-wing hardliners in competitive primaries across the country.

According to the report, the billionaire-backed Club for Growth group is “positioning itself against the National Republican Senatorial Committee” at a time when the latter “is struggling to fix its electability problems.” Already in Ohio, Montana, and West Virginia, Republicans are gearing up for crowded and contentious primary fights.

Via Politico:

  • In Ohio, “the Club is beseeching GOP Rep. Warren Davidson” to announce his entry into “what is already an extremely crowded field.” Davidson would be up against “wealthy businessmen,” including Bernie Moreno who today announced his U.S Senate campaign and has already received a nod from Donald Trump.

  • In Montana, “tensions are running even higher” where “the group is nudging Republican Rep. Matt Rosendale, who lost to Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) in 2018.” Trump also “looms large” in this race, with the former president “closely tracking which members have endorsed him” before he makes his pick.

  • And in West Virginia, Club for Growth recently “announced it will spend at least $10 million to boost Republican Rep. Alex Mooney” despite the NRSC and establishment Republicans’ desperate attempts to recruit Gov. Jim Justice.

Read the full report here.

Published: Apr 18, 2023 | Last Modified: Feb 1, 2024

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