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Herschel Walker speaks on stage, profile view, making face and holding hands out - 5-23-22 (1)

U.S. Senate Georgia

Herschel Walker

Herschel Walker has repeatedly proven he cannot be trusted to put Georgians first in the Senate, from opposing plans to lower costs for families and backing a total abortion ban to his repeated lies and failure to be honest with voters.

Monday, May 9 2022

GOP Senate Candidates Campaign on Abortion Bans

A new report from Axios highlights that Georgia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Florida, and Ohio all have one critical thing in…

Wednesday, May 4 2022

Georgia GOP U.S. Senate Field Backs a “Total Abortion Ban”

According to a new report from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “all five Republican Senate candidates who attended the Atlanta Press Club debate…

Monday, May 2 2022

GOP To Push Hardline Federal Abortion Ban

A new Washington Post report highlights that Republicans are planning to push a hardline national abortion-ban bill that would outlaw abortion after 6…

Thursday, Apr 28 2022

Even More Lies: Herschel Walker Promoted More Sham “Supplements” That Were “Commercial Failures”

A new report for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reveals that Georgia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker “spent years promoting and…

Wednesday, Apr 27 2022

Reminder: Herschel Walker’s Repeatedly Lied About His Business Record, Career

Today, Georgia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker is out with his first TV spots, alluding to lies about his business…

Thursday, Apr 21 2022

Herschel Walker Calls For Infrastructure Investments He Opposes

Even though Georgia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker opposes the bipartisan infrastructure law, new comments from Walker reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution appear to…

Wednesday, Apr 13 2022

Even More “Demonstrably False Claims” From Herschel Walker

A new report from the Daily Beast identifies yet another way that Georgia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker has dramatically exaggerated his business…

Monday, Apr 11 2022

Report: Herschel Walker Hiding Consulting Clients

“Georgia voters deserve to know which companies and individuals have potentially paid Walker thousands if not millions of dollars in…

Tuesday, Apr 5 2022

Georgia GOP Senate Candidates Urge Health Care Repeal

It isn’t just Wisconsin U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson who’s talking about repealing the Affordable Care Act, which would gut health care coverage…

Monday, Apr 4 2022

Coverage: Herschel Walker’s Latest Lie

In case you missed it, Georgia Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker was last week exposed for repeatedly lying about his academic…

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