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Tuesday, Apr 5 2022

Georgia GOP Senate Candidates Urge Health Care Repeal

Apr 05, 2022

It isn’t just Wisconsin U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson who’s talking about repealing the Affordable Care Act, which would gut health care coverage protections and drive up health care costs. A new report from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution highlights that Georgia’s Republican U.S. Senate candidates are each pushing for the repeal of the health care law — as demonstrated by comments made during last weekend’s northeast Republican Candidate Forum.

At the forum, GOP U.S. Senate candidates Latham SaddlerKelvin KingGary Black, and Josh Clark, each stressed to voters their support for ending the law, including — presumably — its pre-existing condition coverage protections that benefit millions of Georgians. Although Herschel Walker was absent at the event, just the latest one he’s dodged, he too has “criticized the healthcare law over the years,” as the Journal-Constitution noted.

Via the AJC:

  • Latham Saddler said the “simple answer” is that Republicans need to “get rid of the rest of Obamacare.”
  • Kelvin King did not mince his words when he said “obviously we need to eliminate Obamacare.”
  • Gary Black explained that he was “disappointed in Republican leadership” because they failed to put forward a “Republican piece of legislation” that would repeal and replace the ACA.
  • And Josh Clark, while explaining his plan to repeal and replace the ACA, told voters that he previously “went office by office trying to [oppose the ACA and] make sure that” Georgians do not have access to affordable healthcare.

Back in March, Wisconsin U.S Senator Ron Johnson was widely criticized after he said the quiet part out loud and urged Republicans to repeal the healthcare law if they retake the Senate. While Democrats are focused on further expanding coverage and lowering health care costs, Republicans are once again running to drive up health care costs and weaken coverage protections that prevent insurance companies from jacking up premiums.

Read the full Atlanta Journal-Constitution report here


Published: Apr 5, 2022 | Last Modified: Apr 8, 2022

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