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GOP 2024 Presidential Hopefuls

News Donald Trump RFK Jr. Wednesday, Jul 24 2024

BREAKING: Vaccine Conspiracy Theorist RFK Jr. Tried to Trade a Trump Endorsement for HHS Secretary Role

News News Articles Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Jul 24 2024

What People Are Reading: American Bridge $20M Ad Buy is the First Since Biden Announcement

News Press Releases The Oppo Dump Third-Party Spoiler Candidates RFK Jr. Wednesday, Jul 24 2024

RFK Jr. Spews GOP, Russian Talking Points and Appears Confused

News Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Jul 24 2024

American Bridge First On TV With $20M in Anti-Trump Swing State Ads Post-Biden Announcement

Friday, Apr 1 2022

2024 Watch: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Pushes Extreme Culture War Agenda

DeSantis’ Out-Of-Touch Agenda Furthers His Political Ambitions, While Ignoring Floridians’ Health And Economic Prosperity This week, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis continued…

Friday, Apr 1 2022

Gov. Kristi Noem Pushes a Far Right Culture War Agenda in SD 

Instead of Passing Bills that Cut Costs for SD families, Noem Attempts to Raise Her National Profile After months of scandal, incompetence,…

Monday, Mar 28 2022

Fox News: NRSC Chair Rick Scott Again Defends Proposal For Senate GOP Tax Hikes

Five weeks after first introducing his “11-point plan,” NRSC Chair Rick Scott is continuing to defend his “post-midterms GOP roadmap” agenda that “sunsets…

Friday, Mar 25 2022

The Reviews Are In: 2024 GOP Contenders Clown Themselves In KBJ Hearings

Coverage of Judiciary Committee Behavior Pans Future GOP Also-Rans “Condescending.” “Truly Bizarre.” “Hallucinatory.” 2024 future GOP presidential contenders in the…

Saturday, Feb 26 2022

American Bridge 21st Century Statement on Donald Trump’s 2024 Presidential Campaign Announcement

Donald Trump was a failed President who left America with an out-of-control pandemic and the largest unemployment in modern history.

Monday, Feb 14 2022

Pompeo Plays ‘24 Endorsement Politics With Donations to Anti-MAGA Republicans

According to a new report from the Kansas Reflector, in 2021 Mike Pompeo’s super PAC sent more than $2 million to…

Thursday, Feb 10 2022

2024 GOP Presidential Contenders Fall for Yet Another Conspiracy Theory

Yesterday the Washington Post reported that major potential Republican 2024 candidates, including Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, and Josh…

Tuesday, Feb 8 2022

Gov. Noem campaign received contributions made by right-wing extremist, killer

In Response American Bridge Released a Video Highlighting Her Unscrupulous Fundraising Ties In case you missed it, yesterday the Argus…

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