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Monday, Mar 28 2022

Fox News: NRSC Chair Rick Scott Again Defends Proposal For Senate GOP Tax Hikes

Mar 28, 2022

Five weeks after first introducing his “11-point plan,” NRSC Chair Rick Scott is continuing to defend his “post-midterms GOP roadmap” agenda that “sunsets Social Security and Medicare” while hiking taxes on retirees and more than half of Americans.

Despite repeated fact checks confirming his policy roadmap would hike taxes on millions of Americans, Scott has steadfastly stood by his plan (which has received high praise from the likes of Marco RubioRon Johnson, and Arizona GOP Senate candidate Jim Lamon) — all while attempting to argue that it does not constitute a tax hike. 

On Sunday, Fox News’ John Roberts was the latest to push Scott on the reality that his proposal would, in fact — as Roberts put it — “raise taxes on half of Americans and potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.”

Just… watch the clip:

Read the coverage:

Miami Herald: Rick Scott challenged on Fox News Sunday over tax hikes and sunsetting Medicare, Medicaid

Politico: Rick Scott debates what’s in his ‘Rescue America’ plan with Fox host

American Independent: Rick Scott says letting Social Security and Medicare laws expire will ‘preserve’ them

The Guardian: Republican senator says tax rises in own plan are ‘Democratic talking points’

Daily Beast: Fox News Anchor Calls BS on GOP Senator’s Spin Over Taxing the Poor: ‘It’s in the Plan!’

Florida Politics: Rick Scott says it’s ‘unfair’ that poor people don’t pay income tax


Published: Mar 28, 2022 | Last Modified: Apr 1, 2022

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