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Saturday, Feb 26 2022

American Bridge 21st Century Statement on Donald Trump’s 2024 Presidential Campaign Announcement

Feb 26, 2022

Tonight, Donald Trump announced to the crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando that he would run for President “a third time.” The Federal Election Commission bars declared candidates for federal office from soliciting unlimited funds for super PACs (such as Trump’s Make America Great Again, Again! Inc.). The FEC also prohibits candidates from using their leadership PACs (including Trump’s Save America PAC) from using funds to support the candidate’s own race.

American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Drew Godinich released the following statement:

“Donald Trump was a failed President who left America with an out-of-control pandemic and the largest unemployment in modern history. After a week of Trump and his closest allies praising Russian despot Vladimir Putin, unveiling a plan to raise federal income taxes on more than 100 million middle-class Americans, and defending white nationalism and Holocaust supporters, Republicans have their work cut out for them.

“Trump’s admission tonight that he is seeking the presidency clearly defines him as a federal candidate under FEC rules. He is subject to candidate fundraising regulations and prohibitions — including being barred from coordinating with his super PAC and using his leadership PAC to prop up his own campaign.

“There is no question that Trump remains the leader of the Republican Party. Now, the question is whether Republican presidential hopefuls like Marco Rubio, Kristi Noem, Nikki Haley, and Rick Scott — who have said they would support Trump if he runs in 2024 — will stick to their promises. Ron DeSantis and Ted Cruz, who have positioned themselves as potential Trump rivals in the 2024 primary, should make clear whether they will challenge Trump for the nomination.

“American Bridge 21st Century will continue to do the work of holding Republicans’ feet to the fire — no matter the eventual Republican nominee.”


Published: Feb 26, 2022

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