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NC-SEN Ted Budd Voted No And Took Big Pharma Dough

Today, the American Independent reported that North Carolina Republican U.S. Senate nominee Ted Budd — days after voting against a…

Tuesday, Jun 7 2022

PolitiFact: Ron Johnson’s Push to Cut His, Megadonors’ Taxes “Overwhelmingly Benefited the Wealthiest, Over Small Businesses.”

Today, PolitiFact agreed “[t]he tax carve out (Ron) Johnson spearheaded overwhelmingly benefited the wealthiest, over small businesses.” In April, Wisconsin…

Senator Ron Jonson participates in a Senate hearing.
Thursday, May 26 2022

Ron Johnson: Florida Man?

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has been taking regular trips between Washington and his family home in Florida—and taxpayers have been paying.

Monday, May 23 2022

Oz and McCormick are Wrong for Pennsylvania

Facing down a recount, both Mehmet Oz and David McCormick are wrong for Pennsylvania workers and families.

Friday, May 20 2022

Ron Johnson Helps Kill COVID Recovery Funding for Restaurants and Small Business

Johnson has repeatedly turned his back on Wisconsin families, workers, and small business owners Despite pleas from Wisconsin restaurant and…

Thursday, May 19 2022

Ted Budd Votes Against Helping Parents On Baby Formula

Fresh off of winning North Carolina Republicans' US Senate nomination, Budd voted against funding to help address the baby formula shortage.

Wednesday, Apr 27 2022

ICYMI: AB21 Co-Chair Governor Steve Bullock on Julie Mason Mornings

Today, Gov. Bullock joined Sirius XM’s Julie Mason Mornings to discuss President Biden’s economic agenda, the upcoming midterm elections, and efforts to support…

Thursday, Mar 24 2022

ICYMI: Jobless Claims At Lowest Level In Over 50 Years

The leadership of President Biden and congressional Democrats is paying off in monumental ways. The number of Americans applying for…

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