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Saturday, Oct 8 2016

Too Little, Too Late, Kelly Ayotte.

Oct 08, 2016

Senator Kelly Ayotte’s decision on Donald Trump is way too little, way too late.

Ayotte didn’t shy away from supporting the racist, sexist Republican nominee for months as Trump fat shamed women, attacked a Gold Star family, and suggested that veterans who suffer from PTSD aren’t mentally strong. All the time Ayotte continued to say she would vote for Trump, that his candidacy was “a positive thing,” even that he was “absolutely” a role model for children.

“Only now that it’s politically convenient is Senator Kelly Ayotte attempting to backtrack her support of Donald Trump. It shouldn’t have taken a tape of Trump crudely talking about women in language that is the definition of rape culture to make Ayotte reconsider her position,” said American Bridge President Jessica Mackler. “Ayotte is just like every other politician, she’s not voting her conscience, she’s doing what she believes is best politically, not morally. New Hampshire women and families won’t forget that anytime soon.”

Here’s a look at some of the offensive and disqualifying policies and comments Kelly Ayotte has supported Trump through:

Ayotte Continued To Support Trump Even Through His Most Controversial Statements


Ayotte Criticized Trump For His Response After Receiving The Endorsement Of Former KKK Leader David Duke

Ayotte: “There’s No Place In Our Society For Racism And Bigotry, And I Found Mr. Trump’s Response To David Duke And The KKK Disgusting And Offensive.” According to the New Hampshire Union Leader, “With Donald Trump’s big lead putting the Republican establishment in turmoil, GOP candidates in major state races have difficult decisions to make. U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who faces a high-profile challenge from Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan, condemned Trump’s response after he was endorsed by white supremacist David Duke. ‘There’s no place in our society for racism and bigotry, and I found Mr. Trump’s response to David Duke and the KKKdisgusting and offensive,’ Ayotte said Monday.” [New Hampshire Union Leader, 2/29/16]

Ayotte: “I Fully, Obviously Disavow And Found Offensive [Trump’s] Comments About David Duke And The KKK And His Subsequent Excuses.” According to Politico, “But Trump’s retweets of white supremacists, vows to temporarily bar all Muslims from the country and suggestion that illegal immigrants from Mexico are rapists are seen by many party leaders as decidedly unhelpful in battleground Senate races — places like Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. ‘I fully, obviously disavow and found offensive his comments about David Duke and the KKK and his subsequent excuses,’ said Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), facing one of the most competitive Senate races this year. ‘I am fully disagreeing and offended.’” [Politico, 2/29/16]

Ayotte Said She Would Support The GOP Presidential Nominee The Same Day She Criticized Trump For His David Duke Support

Ayotte’s Spokeswoman Said She Intended To Support The GOP Presidential Nominee. According to the New Hampshire Union Leader, “Do not count on Ayotte, a first-term Republican who faces a challenge from two-term Gov. Maggie Hassan joining the #NeverTrump camp. ‘Senator Ayotte intends to support the Republican nominee, however she would like to see how the process plays out,’ said Liz Johnson, an Ayotte spokeswoman.” [New Hampshire Union Leader, 2/29/16]


Ayotte Criticized Trump’s Comment That Women Should Be Punished For Seeking An Abortion If It Were Banned

Ayotte Responded To Trump’s Comment That Women Should Be Punished For Seeking An Abortion If It Were Banned, Tweeting, “Women Should Not Be Punished, And I’m Glad Mr. Trump Had Retracted His Troubling Comments.” According to NHPR, “U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire’s top elected Republican, says women should not be punished for seeking out an abortion if it were banned. Ayotte was weighing in on a controversy sparked Wednesday by the comments of her party’s presidential frontrunner, Donald Trump. ‘Women should not be punished, and I’m glad Mr. Trump has retracted his troubling comments,’ Ayotte said in a tweet Wednesdayevening. She was responding to a comment made by Trump during an MSNBC town hall forum with Chris Matthews that women should be subject to ‘some form of punishment’ for having an abortion if the procedure were to be banned.” [NHPR, 3/31/16; Kelly Ayotte via Twitter, 3/30/16]

Ayotte Still Said She Intended To Support The Republican Presidential Nominee

WBUR: Asked If She Would Support The Trump If He Were The GOP Presidential Nominee, Ayotte Said “I’ll Support The Republican Nominee, But I Want To See How This Plays Out.” According to WBUR, “Asked if she would support Trump if he were to win the Republican presidential nomination, Ayotte says she’s focused on other challenges. ‘I’m running against Gov. Hassan,’ she said in Hanover last weekend. ‘I’ll support the Republican nominee, but I want to see how this plays out. This process is far from over.’” [WBUR, 4/5/16]


Ayotte Said Trump’s Comments On A Judge Of Mexican Heritage And On The Possible Bias Of Muslim Judge Were “Offensive And Wrong, And He Should Retract Them”

Ayotte Said Trump’s Comments On A Judge Of Mexican Heritage And On The Possible Bias Of Muslim Judges Were “Offensive And Wrong, And He Should Retract Them,” But Said She Still Supported Him. According to WMUR, “Sen. Kelly Ayotte said Sunday night that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s recent comments about a judge of Mexican heritage and Muslim judges are ‘offensive and wrong, and he should retract them.’ But Ayotte’s overall position on Trump has not changed. She still she plans to support the GOP presidential nominee, but as a candidate for re-election, she is not planning to endorse anyone for president. […]Sunday, Trump said on the CBS program “Face the Nation” that a Muslim judge might be biased against him because of his call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. ‘It’s possible, yes,’ Trump said. ‘Yeah. That would be possible. Absolutely.’ […]Ayotte, asked by WMUR to react to the Trump comments, issued a brief statement: ‘His comments are offensive and wrong, and he should retract them,’ Ayotte said.” [WMUR, 6/5/16]

But Ayotte Said She Would Still Vote For Trump

Ayotte Said She Planned To Vote For Trump For President. According to Foster’s Daily Democrat, “During her visit to Rochester Friday, U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte confirmed her plans to vote for Donald Trump in the presidential election, though said she would not be giving an official endorsement to any presidential candidate.” [Foster’s Daily Democrat, 6/3/16]


The Khan Family Criticized Trump At The Democratic National Convention

Ayotte Criticized Trump’s Attacks On The Family Of A Muslim Soldier Killed In Combat, Saying “I Am Appalled That Donald Trump Would Disparage [The Khan Family] And That He Had The Gall To Compare His Own Sacrifices To Those Of A Gold Star Family.” According to WMUR, “Ayotte, whose husband, Joe Daley, flew combat missions during the Iraq war and is a retired Air National Guard Lieutenant Colonel, said in a statement she was appalled by Trump’s remarks. ‘There is no greater sacrifice than to lay down one’s life for their country, and that’s the sacrifice that Captain Humayun Khan made fighting to defend our freedom and our constitutional rights,’ Ayotte said. ‘He was a true American hero. The Khan family deserves nothing less than our deepest support, respect, and gratitude, and they have every right to express themselves in any way they choose. I am appalled that Donald Trump would disparage them and that he had the gall to compare his own sacrifices to those of a Gold Star family.’” [WMUR, 8/1/16]

Ayotte’s Campaign Did Not Respond To Questions About Whether Trump’s Attacks Changed Her Support For Him

Ayotte’s Campaign Did Not Respond To Questions About Whether Trump’s Attacks On The Khans Changed Her Support For Him. According to WMUR, “ asked the Ayotte campaign whether Trump’s comments about the Khans changed Ayotte’s position. The campaign has not responded as of this posting.” [WMUR, 8/1/16]

After Ayotte Criticized Trump’s Comments On The Khan Family, Trump Attacked Her, Calling Her “Weak” And Claiming That She Shouldn’t Be Representing NH

After Ayotte Criticized Trump For His Attacks On The Family Of Captain Humayun Khan, Who Was Killed In Iraq, Trump Said “You Have A Kelly Ayotte Who Doesn’t Want To Talk About Trump, But I’m Beating Her In The Polls By A Lot. You Tell Me. Are These People That Should Be Representing Us, Okay? You Tell Me.” According to the Washington Post, “Trump said he thought it was a mistake for senators to distance themselves from him because of his popularity with the Republican base. He singled out Ayotte, who like McCain condemned Trump’s comments about the Khans. ‘New Hampshire is one of my favorite places,’ Trump said. ‘You have a Kelly Ayotte who doesn’t want to talk about Trump, but I’m beating her in the polls by a lot. You tell me. Are these people that should be representing us, okay? You tell me.’ Trump continued, ‘I don’t know Kelly Ayotte. I know she’s given me no support — zero support — and yet I’m leading her in the polls. I’m doing very well in New Hampshire. We need loyal people in this country. We need fighters in this country. We don’t need weak people. We have enough of them. We need fighters in this country. But Kelly Ayotte has given me zero support, and I’m doing great in New Hampshire.’” [Washington Post, 8/2/16]

New York Times: Trump “Belittled” Ayotte For Criticizing His Comments On The Khan Family. According to the New York Times, “[Trump] also belittled Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, who had criticized his treatment of the Khans, for not being supportive of his campaign.” [New York Times, 8/2/16]

Washington Post’s The Fix: “The Important Thing Was That Ayotte Hadn’t Paid Fealty, So Why Should Trump Endorse?” In a column for Washington Post’s The Fix, Philip Bump wrote, Trump declined to endorse Sen. John McCain, also facing an upcoming primary, clearly in no small part because McCain has been outspoken in criticizing Trump’s comments about Khizr Khan. Trump passed on backing Sen. Kelly Ayotte, too, saying that he didn’t know her. ‘I know she’s given me no support — zero support — and yet I’m leading her in the polls,’ he said. ‘I’m doing very well in New Hampshire.’ (For the record, Trump trails in New Hampshire, while Ayotte has a slight lead.) The important thing was that Ayotte hadn’t paid fealty, so why should Trump endorse?” [Washington Post, 8/2/16]

Ayotte Did Not Withdraw Her Support From Trump After He Attacked Her

Ayotte Did Not Withdraw Her Support For Trump In Response To His Criticism Of Her. According to WMUR, “Ayotte, however, did not withdraw her support for Trump. And that stance was confirmed by her Senate campaign.” [WMUR, 8/2/16]

Ayotte’s Spokeswoman Said Ayotte Continued To Support Trump Despite His Attack On Her Following Her Criticism Of His Comments On The Khan Family. According to the Concord Monitor, “U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte continues to support Donald Trump, her spokeswoman said, despite the GOP presidential nominee’s verbal attack Tuesday on the fellow Republican. Ayotte remains locked with Democratic challenger Maggie Hassan in a competitive race that could determine control of the U.S. Senate. While Republicans in Washington have been funneling millions of dollars into New Hampshire to defend Ayotte’s seat, Trump took a shot at her during an interview with the Washington Post, questioning whether she should be in office. […] Ayotte has been critical of Trump at times, and said this week she was ‘appalled’ by Trump’s continued attacks on the parents of slain Muslim American U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan.” [Concord Monitor, 8/4/16]

In Response To Trump’s Attack On Her, Ayotte Said “I Call It Like I See It, And I’m Always Going To Stand Up For Our Military Families And What’s Best For The People Of New Hampshire”

Ayotte: “I Call It Like I See It, And I’m Always Going To Stand Up For Our Military Families And What’s Best For The People Of New Hampshire.” According to WMUR, “In response, Ayotte said in a statement provided to ‘I call it like I see it, and I’m always going to stand up for our military families and what’s best for the people of New Hampshire.’ That was a reference to Ayotte’s criticism of Trump after he blasted Gold Star father Khizr Khan for attacking Trump in a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.” [WMUR, 8/2/16]

New York Times: Ayotte Responded To Trump’s Attack On Her With “Muted Language”

New York Times: Ayotte Responded To Trump’s Attack With “Muted Language.” According to the New York Times, “The Republican Party has not yet come close to abandoning Mr. Trump’s candidacy: Most of the lawmakers who have denounced him for fighting with the Khans have not said they will vote against him in the general election. Even the Republicans assailed by Mr. Trumpon Tuesday responded in muted language. Zack Roday, a spokesman for Mr. Ryan, said Mr. Ryan had not sought Mr. Trump’s endorsement and was confident that he would win his primary. Ms. Ayotte, who faces re-election in November, wrote on Twitter that she would ‘always stand up for our military families and what’s best for the people of New Hampshire.’” [New York Times, 8/2/16]

New York Times Editorial: Ayotte Released A Statement Defending The Khan Family, Yet Refused To “Back Off [Her] Support For Mr. Trump.”In an editorial, the New York Times wrote, “Some Republicans, like the House speaker, Paul Ryan; the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell; and Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire released statements defending the Khans. Yet they still refuse to back off their support for Mr. Trump.” [New York Times, 8/2/16]

Dartmouth College Professor: Ayotte Issued “A Non-Committal Statement” In The Hope That “It Will Go Away”

Dartmouth College Professor: Ayotte Doesn’t Want To Antagonize Republican Primary Voters By Engaging With Trump And “Hopes By Issuing A Non-Committal Statement It Will Go Away, Because Trump Will Say Something Outrageous To Somebody Else.” According to the Concord Monitor, “Still, Ayotte needs to tread lightly around Trump supporters before the Sept. 13 primary, said Dartmouth College government professor Linda Fowler. ‘She is in a very awkward position because she doesn’t want to publicly antagonize Republican primary voters who think they are going to vote for Trump,’ she said. ‘She hopes by issuing a non-committal statement it will go away, because Trump will say something outrageous to somebody else.’” [Concord Monitor, 8/4/16]

Boston Globe: “What Does [Ayotte] Have To Gain By Continuing To Support [Trump] When He Doesn’t Support Her?”

Boston Globe: “What Does [Ayotte] Have To Gain By Continuing To Support [Trump] When He Doesn’t Support Her?” According to the Boston Globe, “Though Ayotte has been careful to say she isn’t ‘endorsing’ Trump, her campaign on Wednesday said she will still ‘support the nominee.’ But what does she have to gain by continuing to support him when he doesn’t support her?” [Boston Globe, 8/4/16]

Published: Oct 8, 2016 | Last Modified: Jan 18, 2024

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