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Friday, Oct 28 2016

American Bridge President Statement On New Hampshire Senate Debate

Oct 28, 2016

“Senator Kelly Ayotte’s desperate attempts to save her political career during tonight’s debate show just how far out of touch she is with the Granite State. She once again refused to disavow the false attacks on her opponent’s family. Of course, that’s hardly surprising from the same candidate who stood by Donald Trump’s candidacy as he attacked a Gold Star family, made countless attacks on women, and mocked a disabled reporter. Since her first day in Washington, the senator has been more concerned with protecting billionaires’ like the Kochs than New Hampshire. Try as she might, Senator Kelly Ayotte can’t re-write her record of voting against women, seniors, students, and Granite State families.”

Published: Oct 28, 2016 | Last Modified: Jan 18, 2024

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