Path 2



Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

Memorándum: Cómo Marco Rubio le ha fallado a Florida

Cuando Marco Rubio rompió con su promesa de no postularse para la reelección en la Florida, demostró que su camino…

Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

MEMO: How Marco Rubio Has Failed Florida

When Marco Rubio reneged on his pledge to not run for reelection in Florida, it was clear that his path…

Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

MEMO: Three Examples That McCain Is No Longer A Maverick

Primary Day is over in Arizona, but John McCain can't rest easy. Three decades in Washington have changed Senator McCain…

Friday, Aug 26 2016

Chuck Grassley Stumps For Trump's Campaign Of Hate, Bigotry and Racism

Chuck Grassley is now in the tightest race in his career, and as his poll numbers continue to plummet, he's increasingly harder…

Friday, Aug 26 2016

Congressman Joe Heck May Cringe But Still Supports Trump

Donald Trump is wrapping up another week of headline making gaffes in Nevada today. In just the past week, The…

Friday, Aug 26 2016

​McCain's Week Of Growling And Denying (Spoiler Alert: All because of Trump)

John McCain has proven he's no independent maverick, abandoning the title for another one: Trump loyalist. While he tries to…

Wednesday, Aug 17 2016

WATCH: Ron Johnson Confirms He Trusts "Reckless" and "Erratic" Presidential Candidate With Nuclear Codes

After 50 Republican national security experts came out against Donald Trump, and numerous senators refusing to say whether or not they would trust…

Wednesday, Aug 17 2016

Rob Portman Confirms He Trusts "Reckless" and "Erratic" Presidential Candidate With Nuclear Codes

After 50 Republican national security experts came out against Donald Trump, and numerous senators refusing to say whether or not they would trust…

Monday, Aug 15 2016

What Ohioans Are Reading: Rob Portman Takes Heat With Donald Trump In His Backyard

Between explaining his support for trade deals that have shipped jobs overseas and benefit China and Mexico more than they…

Wednesday, Aug 10 2016

WATCH: Chuck Grassley Stands Firm In Support of Trump TODAY After Offensive, Violent Remarks

Chuck Grassley has been one of Donald Trump's staunchest supporters, from appearing with him at a rally back in January…

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