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Wednesday, Aug 17 2016

Rob Portman Confirms He Trusts "Reckless" and "Erratic" Presidential Candidate With Nuclear Codes

Aug 17, 2016

After 50 Republican national security experts came out against Donald Trump, and numerous senators refusing to say whether or not they would trust their party’s nominee with the nuclear codes, Ohio Senator Rob Portman has come out with another full-throated endorsement of Trump.

Portman confirmed today through his spokesman that he would trust Donald Trump — who Republican national security experts have called “reckless” and “erratic” — with the nuclear codes:

“Rob believes that Mr. Trump and the national security team he appoints will protect our security interests and do everything they can to keep America safe, and that includes the president’s nuclear responsibilities,” Rich said.

Toledo Blade: Ted to Rob: Comfortable with Don Controlling the Nuclear Button? Rob to Ted: Yes

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Ted Strickland’s campaign keeps up its pressure on Republican Sen. Rob Portman to disavow the Republican presidential nominee today.

From the Strickland campaign:

Would Portman Trust Trump to Handle the Nuclear Codes?

New Report: Two Senate Candidates Won’t Say if They Trust Trump with Nuclear Codes

COLUMBUS — Following a new report revealing that multiple Republican U.S. Senate candidates are unwilling to say whether they trust Donald Trump to handle the nuclear codes, Ohio Democratic Party spokesman Daniel van Hoogstraten issued the following statement.

“Senator Portman wants Donald Trump to be our commander in chief, so he owes it to Ohioans to answer a simple question: does he trust Donald Trump to handle the nuclear codes? Even as Trump implied that he may use nuclear weapons in Europe and as 50 Republican national security experts have warned that Trump would put our national security ‘at risk,’ Rob Portman has proven that he lacks the moral integrity to follow the lead of Governor Kasich and retract his endorsement of Trump. Hopefully Rob Portman at least has the political courage to explain whether he trusts the man whom he’s endorsed to be president with one of the most important functions of the office: access to the nuclear codes.”

The response from Portman campaign spokesman Michawn Rich:

“Rob believes that Mr. Trump and the national security team he appoints will protect our security interests and do everything they can to keep America safe, and that includes the president’s nuclear responsibilities,” Rich said.

Published: Aug 17, 2016

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