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Friday, Oct 14 2016

Pat Toomey Endorses Trump's Judgment

In a radio interview yesterday, Pat Toomey outright endorsed Donald Trump's judgment with respect to selecting and nominating Supreme Court justices. The…

Friday, Oct 14 2016

American Bridge Statement on Kelly Ayotte's Disastrous Debate

Statement from Jessica Mackler, president, American Bridge, on Senator Kelly Ayotte’s disastrous debate this morning: “Kelly Ayotte continues to prove…

Thursday, Oct 13 2016

American Bridge Digital Billboard Truck Chases Rubio And Trump In South Florida

Marco Rubio and Donald Trump are only half an hour away from each other in South Florida today, but Rubio…

Tuesday, Oct 11 2016

WATCH: McCrory Has His Kelly Ayotte Moment, Calls Trump A Role Model

Governor Pat McCrory -- sticking with Donald Trump even after he bragged about assaulting women -- calls Trump a "Role Model."…

Tuesday, Oct 11 2016

WATCH: McCrory & Jenner Agree On Trump, But Not Which Bathroom She Should Use

Just now, when asked by Chuck Todd where Caitlyn Jenner should use the restroom when visiting North Carolina, Governor Pat…

Tuesday, Oct 11 2016

Shorter Burr: Trump Bragged About Assaulting Women ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Senator Richard Burr has made it abundantly clear that nothing will stop him from supporting Donald Trump in November. Now,…

Tuesday, Oct 11 2016

At "Women's" Event, Toomey Won't Call Trump Sexual Assault Disqualifying

This morning, Pat Toomey held a "Women for Toomey" event, but quickly exposed with the charade when he once again refused…

Monday, Oct 10 2016

Apparently Sen. Richard Burr Considers "It's Just Words" An Apology

Senator Richard Burr appears ready to accept the "completely unacceptable" comments from the 2005 tape of Donald Trump and vote for the…

Monday, Oct 10 2016

Toomey Doesn't Think It's Disqualifying For Trump To Brag About Sexual Assault

Today, Pat Toomey yet again cowardly refused to rule out supporting Donald Trump, despite learning last week that Trump brags about…

Saturday, Oct 8 2016

Roy Blunt's Silence Is Disqualifying

Senator Roy Blunt's silence in the face of Donald Trump boasting about how he sexually assaults women is disqualifying. The person Blunt…

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