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Friday, Aug 26 2016

Chuck Grassley Stumps For Trump's Campaign Of Hate, Bigotry and Racism

Aug 26, 2016

Chuck Grassley is now in the tightest race in his career, and as his poll numbers continue to plummet, he’s increasingly harder to find in state. Grassley skipped out on an Iowa tradition this month when he refused to appear at the Des Moines Register’s Soapbox at the Iowa State Fair. Editorial boards and voters alike have noticed that the Senator who, in the past has been lauded for his accessibility, has become completely absent.

Chuck Grassley is coming out of hiding this weekend — to join his friend Donald Trump at Joni Ernst’s Roast & Ride. Grassley has been working behind the scenes to obstruct the confirmation of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee and hold the seat open for a potential Trump nominee, so it’s no surprise that he’s making a public appearance to stump with Trump.

Trump is making an appearance in Iowa after a week of lying to voters about his deportation policies and attempting to cover up his hateful, xenophobic policies. Iowa families won’t stand for a campaign based on hatred, racism, and lies, but Grassley has stood strong in his support of Trump. Grassley has confirmed his support for the GOP nominee every step of the way, even after Trump attacked a Gold Star family and repeatedly called President Obama “the founder of ISIS.”  Grassley has shown himself to be increasingly out-of-touch with Iowa families, and his blind support for Trump and his inaccessibility to voters won’t help him at the ballot box in November.

Published: Aug 26, 2016

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