Trump's Trade Fever Dream Threatens Americans
Among Donald Trump’s many dangerous fantasies is his claim that a “trade war” would be good for working Americans. The truth is Trump’s…
Trump First: Trump’s Economic Policies Help Him, Hurt Us
In his speech this afternoon on trade and the economy, Donald Trump will certainly bemoan outsourcing that shifts “our jobs,…
Trump's Tax Plan Is Extremely Dangerous
Trump’s tax plan “would make the national debt skyrocket by $10 trillion or more.” Moody’s Analytics found that Trump’s tax reform proposal…
Trump's Record Of Opposing American Jobs And Auto Rescue
Today in Michigan Donald Trump promised to bring back jobs to America. One look at Trump's record, though, and the GOP…
ICYMI: While Trump Is In Florida He's Seeking More Foreign Guest Workers For His Companies
American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on Trump's promises to bring jobs back to America: "Throughout his…
Trump Ties Himself In Knots On Outsourcing Hypocrisy
"I'm going to bring back jobs." -Donald Trump, 6/5/2016 Donald Trump, who constantly rails on outsourcing companies -- including companies that…
Trump Is Still The Outsourcer In Chief
Tonight, Donald Trump is using his usual hypocritical arguments on American economics: a "trade war" would be good for Americans and he…
Trump's Economic Agenda Is Good For Trump — But It'd Wreck The Economy
Donald Trump's economic agenda is great for him. Top income-earning households would get the "largest cuts" under Trump's tax plan…
Make America Work Again? Trump Vineyard Imports Foreign Labor
Donald Trump has Trump Winery GM Kerry Woolard on stage tonight as part of his "Make America Work Again" programming.…
Ryan And Trump Agree On Taxes: Massive Cuts For The Wealthy
Paul Ryan is finding a lot to like in Donald Trump's plan to give millionaires and billionaires massive tax breaks,…