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Donald Trump Wednesday, Jul 8 2020

American Bridge 21st Century Launches New Ads In $25 Million Swing State Effort

‘Swing County Project’ to Build on Successful Efforts to Weaken Trump’s Support, Boost Biden with Key Constituencies in Michigan, Pennsylvania,…

Wednesday, Mar 9 2022

Roundup: WI Sen. Ron Johnson Says GOP Will Overturn Affordable Care Act

After confirming his support for NRSC Chair Rick Scott’s plan to raise taxes on half of all Americans and cut…

ICYMI: AB21’s Paid Media Blitz Makes Headlines

This week, American Bridge 21st Century launched their first round of ads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. These ads are the first…

Tuesday, Apr 5 2022

Georgia GOP Senate Candidates Urge Health Care Repeal

It isn’t just Wisconsin U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson who’s talking about repealing the Affordable Care Act, which would gut health care coverage…

Monday, Jul 25 2022

Mehmet Oz Made Millions Off App That Could Track Abortion Patients

On Friday, Jezebel reported that Republican U.S. Senate Nominee and New Jersey resident Mehmet Oz co-founded and made millions of…

Thursday, Dec 2 2021

American Bridge 21st Century Statement on the Georgia Gubernatorial Election

As the GOP gears up for the 2022 Georgia gubernatorial election, they will have to contend with an ugly, divisive…

News Chuck Morse Thursday, Mar 10 2022

After One Year, Republican Senate Candidates Remain Opposed To ARP

On the anniversary of the American Rescue Plan, GOP Senate candidates are still running against billion in resources for their…

Wednesday, Mar 23 2022

2022 U.S. Senate Candidates Run On Anti-ACA Records

While Democrats are focused on lowering health care costs and expanding coverage, Republicans are still pushing efforts to gut health…

Friday, Mar 4 2016

On Dept. Of Labor 103rd Anniversary, Ayotte’s Record Of Bad Labor Votes

On the 103rd anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Labor, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following…

Wednesday, Nov 17 2021

Senate Republicans Root Against American Families

“This is a gold mine for us.” Senate Republican campaign committee chief Rick Scott is openly rooting against American families, cheering higher prices due…

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