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Monday, Oct 24 2016

NEW REPORT: Rubio Failed To Show Up For Work Every. Single. Year.

New research from American Bridge shows that Marco Rubio didn't show up for work on behalf of Florida taxpayers EVERY YEAR he was in the Senate, not just the year in which he ran for president and lost 66 of Florida's 67 counties to Donald Trump. Marco Rubio's lack of interest in doing his job extends back to his earliest days as a politician -- since 2000…

Thursday, Jan 14 2016

Marco's Here!

Marco Rubio finally showed up for something! It's worth giving Rubio credit for attending the debate on time after the…

Friday, Dec 18 2015

Time Is a Flat Circle. Marco Rubio Hates His Job, Doesn't Show Up For Work: Part ∞

Rubio embarrassed himself on TV yesterday by promising obstructionist grandstanding that Senate procedure prevented him from following through on -- he…

Thursday, Dec 17 2015

Rubio Grandstands On TV, Has No Idea What's Going On In The Senate

Oops! Marco Rubio's proved yet again just how clueless he is as to what's happening in the Senate. Rubio this…

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