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Monday, Oct 24 2016

NEW REPORT: Rubio Failed To Show Up For Work Every. Single. Year.

Oct 24, 2016

New research from American Bridge shows that Marco Rubio didn’t show up for work on behalf of Florida taxpayers EVERY YEAR he was in the Senate, not just the year in which he ran for president and lost 66 of Florida’s 67 counties to Donald Trump.

Marco Rubio’s lack of interest in doing his job extends back to his earliest days as a politician — since 2000 when he missed one-third of his committee hearings in the state legislature, to 2002 where he skipped nearly half of the Florida House’s 9/11 Committee meetings, to when he missed 30% of the classes he taught as a part-time professor at FIU, to his current absenteeism in the Senate that is the worst vote attendance record from a Florida senator in nearly 50 years.

Rubio has always failed to show up for work on behalf of Floridians:

Missed committee hearings (total across all committees)

percentage missed
2011 63%
2012 71%
2013 62%
2014 60%
2015 80%
2016 57%


Missed voting record (Worst compared to other senators)

2011 95th
2012 Tied 86th
2013 Tied 73rd
2014 88th
2015 100th
2016 97th


And when Rubio does actually show up to work, he’s ineffective for Florida. Only 2 of 96 bills that Rubio has introduced have become law.

Ineffective: Out of 96 bills Rubio introduced/sponsored, only 2 became law.

S 2845 Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Extension Act of 2016
S 802 Girls Count Act of 2015

Read more here.

Published: Oct 24, 2016

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