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Tuesday, Aug 2 2016

Marco Rubio Is All In To "Make Sure That Donald Wins"

Aug 02, 2016

We have to make sure that Donald wins this election.” That was Marco Rubio’s message about Donald Trump at a candidate forum over the weekend.

Yes, Rubio is saying that the Republican nominee, who he once said is “wholly unprepared to be president of the United States” will have his full support to win the election.
This is just the latest example of Rubio throwing his weight behind Trump, and arguably his most forceful endorsement to-date of a man he once characterized as “an erratic individual…who has spent a career sticking it to working people.”

Oh, how times have changed. These days, Rubio’s reportedly taking phone calls with Trump and his campaign chair, Paul Manafort, to “discuss Florida politics.”
Rubio’s openly tying himself to Donald Trump and the anti-immigrant fearmongering that’s defined Trump’s campaign — quite the evolution from the erstwhile Gang of 8 advocate of comprehensive immigration reform.
And Rubio’s even standing by Trump’s latest transgression — a disgraceful attack on a Gold Star family that did nothing but criticize Trump over his anti-Muslim hatemongering and policy proposals. We’re in day four of Trump’s attacks on the Khan family, and Rubio’s only just responding, with a meek statement that refuses to rebuke Trump — let alone mention him — and only goes so far as to characterize the situation as “unfortunate.”

With no record of his own to run on and a pattern of shoddy attendance, Marco Rubio’s only hope for reelection is to tie himself to Donald Trump and his divisive, anti-immigrant platform. In the process, Rubio’s throwing away any remaining credibility he has with the Florida voters that elected him.

Published: Aug 2, 2016

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