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Thursday, Jan 14 2016

Marco's Here!

Jan 14, 2016


Marco Rubio finally showed up for something!

It’s worth giving Rubio credit for attending the debate on time after the rough week he had. Rubio’s office on Monday confirmed that he was skipping a classified Foreign Relations hearing on North Korea to fundraise in the Florida keys, but after he was roundly criticized, Rubio scrambled his private jet and booked it back to DC to catch the last 20 minutes of the briefing.

It’s become a pattern for Rubio to miss important national security hearings even though he uses his Foreign Relations and Intelligence committee assignments as an example of his foreign policy experience. After the November terrorist attack in Paris, Rubio chose to skip a classified briefing and fundraise.

Rubio’s truancy extends to missing Senate votes ever since he joined the senate in 2011. He holds “the worst missed-vote record of any current senator,” according to The Tampa Bay Times.

Published: Jan 14, 2016

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