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Reproductive Rights

ICYMI: Donald Trump Has Deep Ties To Anti-IVF Movement

In case you missed it, late last week the Huffington Post’s Alanna Vagianos unearthed Donald Trump’s deep ties to the…

Anti-Repro Bros in Ohio

Tonight, Trump takes the stage to support fellow anti-reproduction rights extremist, and candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio, Bernie Moreno.…

GOP SOTU Rebuttal Speaker is An Anti-Abortion Rights Extremist — and So Is the Guy Sitting Five Feet Behind President Joe Biden

“I am proud to be 100% pro-life. Both my faith and science tell me that life begins at conception.” -…

AB21 Calls Out GOP Efforts to Run From Anti-IVF Records on CNN This Morning

Yesterday, American Bridge 21st Century Senior Executive Writer Matilda Bress joined CNN This Morning to talk about her op-ed in Teen Vogue and her story…

ICYMI: Is Destroying An Embryo Murder? House Speaker Mike Johnson Won’t Say.

Yesterday, the HuffPost reported on Speaker Mike Johnson — one of 125 Republican co-sponsors of a bill that attacks IVF — dodging…

ICYMI: “I’m an IVF Baby, and I’m Voting for Biden to Protect That Process”

As Republicans continue their attacks on IVF following the Alabama Supreme Court decision, American Bridge 21st Century’s executive writer and "IVF baby"…

Monday, Feb 26 2024

Trump VP Shortlist Fails on Reproductive Health

This weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) featured multiple speakers speaking to an audience of one: Donald Trump. The audition to…

AB21 Co-Chair Cecile Richards Statement on Alabama IVF Ruling

In response to the Alabama state Supreme Court ruling on IVF, American Bridge 21st Century Co-Chair Cecile Richards released the following statement: "Donald Trump and the…

Friday, Feb 23 2024

Speaker Mike Johnson Statement on Alabama IVF Ruling

We’re still waiting for one — Mike Johnson has continuously refused to answer questions on where he stands on IVF.…

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