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War on Women

Thursday, May 12 2016

Paul Ryan Says Trump — Yes, That Trump — Has A "Very Good Personality"

While Paul Ryan didn't take the final jump and formally endorse Donald Trump, he made it abundantly clear that he…

Saturday, May 7 2016

Get This: Trump Thinks Women Have It Easier Than Men

Donald Trump at a rally in Spokane, Washington today continued to prove that he's nothing more than a out-of-touch misogynist…

Wednesday, May 4 2016

WATCH: GOP Women Speak Out On Trump's Misogyny

American Bridge is today out with a new video, "GOP Women Speak Out On Trump," featuring Republican women's reactions to…

Wednesday, Mar 30 2016

Shocked By Trump? Entire GOP Field Takes Party’s Extreme Position On Women’s Health

Donald Trump’s backwards views on women’s health are no secret -- he’s already pledged to defund Planned Parenthood and referred…

Thursday, Jan 28 2016

GOP Still Hell-Bent On Defunding Planned Parenthood

The Republican field is hell-bent on defunding the number one women's health care provider in the country, Planned Parenthood.  …

Thursday, Jan 7 2016

With Campaign Co-Chairs, Cruz All-In For The Anti-Women's Health Xenophobe Vote

Ted Cruz yesterday named the notoriously anti-immigrant Rep. Steve King as one of his national campaign co-chairs. Today, he just announced a…

Monday, Nov 2 2015

NOT BREAKING: Marco Rubio And Jeb Bush Still Out Of Touch On Women's Health Issues

Frenemies (maybe just enemies now) Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush still stand together in at least one area of the…

Tuesday, Apr 22 2014

Santorum & Terri Lynn Land's War on Women

It's fitting that the same day Michigan Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land released an ad attempting to repair her image after weeks of negative press stemming from her comments on pay equity, Rick Santorum's PAC is announcing its endorsement of her. Santorum is well known for his opposition to the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and his extreme opposition to both birth control and abortion even in the case of rape. It's no surprise, then, that Santorum would support Land.

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