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Thursday, Jan 28 2016

GOP Still Hell-Bent On Defunding Planned Parenthood

Jan 28, 2016

The Republican field is hell-bent on defunding the number one women’s health care provider in the country, Planned Parenthood.


The GOP has voted multiple times to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Republicans also used taxpayer dollars to investigate nefarious lies about the health care provider spread by the anti-choice group Center for Medical Progress. And while the Kochs may claim they don’t take action on social issues, they’ve funded front groups that want to defund Planned Parenthood.


Just this week — after a GOP Governor Greg Abbott-launched probe, overseen by a Governor Rick Perry-appointed district attorney — a grand jury dismissed all of the allegations advanced by the Center for Medical Progress’s misleading videos, and even indicted the anti-choice group’s leader, David Daleiden. But that won’t stop the Republicans on stage tonight from continuing to perpetuate insidious and inflammatory lies about an organization essential to ensuring millions of women’s access to a full range of healthcare options.


Republicans will continue to legislate women’s bodies and sacrifice health care access for their own political gain.


Published: Jan 28, 2016

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