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Unfit To Be Commander-In-Chief

Wednesday, Sep 7 2016

Trump: Racist, Erratic Birther; Unfit To Be Commander In Chief

It's long been speculated that Donald Trump might be drawn into a war over a single tweet that he perceives…

Wednesday, Sep 7 2016

Trump's "Very Beautiful" Plan To Defeat ISIS Is Nothing But A Con

For the second night in a row, Donald Trump proved tonight that he has no plan to defeat ISIS. Since before…

Wednesday, Sep 7 2016

WATCH: Trump: Erratic. Unstable. Unfit.

Tonight's "Commander-in-Chief Forum" is sure to expose many of the countless reasons why Donald Trump -- a racist birther, who still…

Tuesday, Sep 6 2016

American Bridge Statement On Trump Saying He'd Abandon U.S. Allies On North Korea

At a town hall this afternoon, Donald Trump said that, as president, he would refuse to address the problem of North…

Friday, Sep 2 2016

Trump Checking The "African American Outreach" Box In Philadelphia

If Trump's African American "outreach" today in Philadelphia is anything like his Latino "outreach" in Phoenix on Wednesday, not only will his…

Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

After this insane immigration speech, can we finally stop pretending Trump will change?

Statement from Jessica Mackler, president of American Bridge 21st Century: "Are we done pretending Donald Trump will ever change? Fifteen…

Friday, Aug 19 2016

Mr. "Sorry Not Sorry" Cites Racist Hate Group In First General Election Ad

American Bridge Vice President Eddie Vale issued the following statement on Donald Trump's first general election TV ad: "Donald Trump is…

Thursday, Aug 18 2016

Donald Trump isn't changing

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on Donald Trump's empty expression of regret and laughable claim that…

Wednesday, Aug 17 2016

Rob Portman Confirms He Trusts "Reckless" and "Erratic" Presidential Candidate With Nuclear Codes

After 50 Republican national security experts came out against Donald Trump, and numerous senators refusing to say whether or not they would trust…

Monday, Aug 15 2016

Commander-In-Thief: Trump Is A Racist, Unstable Con Man Who's Unfit To Be President

The Republican Party created and nurtured a racist birther and now they want him to be president of the United…

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