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Friday, Mar 10 2023

Pence and Haley Want to Gut Medicare and Social Security

President Joe Biden introduced his plan to lower the deficit while protecting Medicare and Social Security – and 2024 GOP hopefuls are not happy about it. The 2024 GOP presidential field can’t stop touching the third rail of politics and keep rolling out plans to cut Social Security and Medicare. Just yesterday, the National Review published an op-ed by former Vice President Mike Pence where he outlines…

Monday, Apr 4 2022

Mitt Romney Says It Outright

It isn’t just NRSC Chair Rick Scott who’s pushing plans to “sunset” Social Security and Medicare In case you missed…

Friday, Jul 30 2021

As Medicare Turns 56, GOP Eyes Cuts

On the 56th anniversary of Medicare being signed into law, President Biden and Democrats in Congress are considering proposals that would…

Wednesday, Jul 21 2021

Senate GOP Pushes Social Security & Medicare Cuts

Approximately every six months, Senate Republicans inevitably return to openly promoting their long-running project of trying to cut Social Security…

Friday, Sep 2 2016

Kelly Ayotte’s Assault on Retirees

While in Washington, Senator Kelly Ayotte mastered the game "follow the leader." Ayotte has unflinchingly supported the Republican leadership's continual…

Monday, Aug 29 2016

Pence Held Hurricane Katrina Relief Funds Hostage to Push His Political Agenda

"Congress must ensure that a catastrophe of nature does not become a catastrophe of debt for our children and grandchildren." That's…

Thursday, Feb 25 2016

GOP Will Cut Safety Net Programs Like Social Security, Medicare Out From Under Most Vulnerable

Marco Rubio was hoping to deflect attention on his failure to release his tax returns by talking about his mom's…

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