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Greg Lopez Has A Plan To Rig Elections: “Stop Counting Each Vote Equally”
According to a new report from KUSA-TV, Colorado Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Lopez has put forward a plan that would rig elections in favor of Republicans: “Stop counting each vote equally.” As governor, Lopez would propose legislation that eliminates the current one-person, one-vote system to create a Colorado electoral college, giving more voting power to rural, Republican counties in the state. Colorado has not had…
NEW POLL: In MI & PA, Trump’s Fauci Attacks a Boon for Dems, Biden in Strong Position
Results spotlight strong Biden positions and trust in Dr. Fauci Today, American Bridge and PPP polls issued the results of…
AWKWARD: Trump’s Campaign Manager Didn’t Vote For Him
“For a campaign that frequently equates boats with voter enthusiasm, it speaks volumes that Donald Trump’s own campaign manager couldn’t…