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Thursday, Oct 22 2020

NEW POLL: In MI & PA, Trump’s Fauci Attacks a Boon for Dems, Biden in Strong Position

Oct 22, 2020

Results spotlight strong Biden positions and trust in Dr. Fauci

Today, American Bridge and PPP polls issued the results of a recent survey testing trustworthiness on coronavirus between Donald Trump and Dr. Anthony Fauci, as well as the general state of the race in both key battlegrounds. The surveys conducted from October 21st through October 22nd indicate that voters in both states strongly believe that information from Dr. Fauci is accurate in comparison to Trump. Michigan voters trusted Fauci over Trump when it comes to delivering accurate COVID data by 61% to 27%, and Pennsylvania gave Fauci their trust by 56% to 30%.  

As the campaign enters its closing days, Donald Trump has stepped up his attacks against Fauci and the media’s coverage of a pandemic that’s claimed over 222,000 American lives. 

The survey results also confirm Joe Biden’s strong position in Michigan (50% to 43%) and Pennsylvania (51% to 46%), essential states in the path to 270, and Senator Gary Peters’ strong lead in Michigan’s senate race (52% to 43%). Full Michigan results can be found here, and full Pennsylvania results can be found here.

“Donald Trump picked a fight with Dr. Fauci and he’s clearly losing. Our new poll of Michigan and Pennsylvania shows coronavirus continues to be top of mind for voters and they trust Dr. Fauci to deliver clear, unbiased information about the outbreak. Donald Trump’s failure to respond effectively to the pandemic and efforts to outright lie about it breached the American people’s trust,” said American Bridge President Bradley Beychok. “With less than two weeks remaining in this race, Trump continues to double down on the same tired attacks that have done nothing to improve his standing. Our year-long project to soften Trump’s support with seniors, rural communities, and Obama-Trump voters has helped Biden earn strong leads in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – giving him the quickest path to 270. In the final days of this race, American Bridge and Democrats everywhere will be sprinting through the finish line to ensure voters lift the Biden-Harris ticket to victory.”

Published: Oct 22, 2020

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