The Press & Guide: MI U.S. Sentate GOP Hopefuls Blast UN, Federal Reserve, Immigrants
On January 16, 2012, The Press & Guide reported:
Five of the candidates who hope to be the Republican Party’s nominee for the U.S. Senate sought the endorsement of a coalition of Michigan Tea Party groups Saturday by attacking the Federal Reserve, the United Nations, taxes and children of illegal immigrants.
Washington Post: Allen Opposes Stimulus, But Backs Company That Received Stimulus
On January 16, 2012, the Washington Post reported:
George Allen, the likely Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, recently headlined a town hall at Micron Technology, a semiconductor company with a facility in Manassas. It’s the same company that received $5 million in stimulus money. And the same company whose CEO, Steve Appleton, met with President Obama to show his support for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. But, as you may recall, Allen doesn’t support the recovery act.
VIDEO: "Not Very Much"? Romney On $374,000 In Speaking Fees
Today in South Carolina, Mitt Romney explained that he pays a lower effective tax rate than many working Americans because his “income comes overwhelmingly from investments made in the past, rather than ordinary income or rather than earned annual income.” Romney also noted that he gets paid for speeches “from time to time,” but described the fees as “not very much.” However, Romney’s personal financial disclosure reveals that he raked in $374,327.62 in speaking fees between February 2010 and February 2011. That may be “not very much” to Mitt Romney, but the vast majority of voters would certainly disagree. Watch Romney’s remarks below:
Miami Herald: The Boomerang Effect: R's Who Attack Newt Gingrich For Rivera Support Impugn Marco Rubio
On January 14, 2012, the Miami Herald reported:
Yesterday, after Miami Rep. David Rivera made it official that he supported Republican candidate Newt Gingrich, the anonymous conservative whisper campaign began. They pointed out that Rivera, the only one of the three Republican representatives from Miami not to endorse Mitt Romney, had been dogged by state and federal investigations owing to investigative reports in The Miami Herald. [...] But, by this standard, the Republicans' beloved Senator, Florida's Marco Rubio, needs some new furniture. Rivera isn't just an ally of Rubio's. He's a close family friend, like an uncle to Rubio's kids.
AP: Ohio Treasurer Balances Job, Politics In 1st Year
On January 14, the Associated Press reported:
During his first year as state treasurer, Ohio Republican Josh Mandel has been a man between two worlds, balancing duties of his first statewide office with a fledgling U.S. Senate campaign. Mandel has aggressively worked the fundraising and speaking circuit these past months, amassing more than $3.8 million this year in his Senate bid against Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown. That's perhaps more than any other Senate challenger in the country. At the same time, his weekly calendars as state treasurer are almost devoid of appointments outside of staff meetings and speaking engagements. And he's yet to hold a single news conference to discuss the work he's doing for Ohioans.
Daily Kos: Mitt Romney's Favorite Success Story Took Millions In Government Aid
On January 13, 2012, Daily Kos reported:
Mitt Romney says questioning his record at Bain Capital makes you an enemy of free enterprise, but it turns out one of his favorite success stories would have been a failure without tens of millions in government subsidies.
Washington Monthly: Get To Know Steel Dynamics
On January 13, 2012, Washington Monthly reported:
Indeed, Steel Dynamics isn’t some isolated story from Romney’s past that he would just as soon see us overlook; this is a story that Romney considers proof of his job-creating expertise. The takeaway, apparently, is that the Republican frontrunner wants government to get out of the way of the private sector, but only after the government gave Romney some handouts that helped boost his profits.
TPM: Romney’s Conservative Businessman Pitch Runs Into Fire
On January 13, 2012, Talking Points Memo reported:
Mitt Romney is looking to steady his ship in South Carolina after overcoming a week of tough attacks on his Bain Capital days in New Hampshire. But while Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and assorted Democrats have all gone after him from his left flank on the issue, there are signs that he may have weaknesses on the right as well.
DeKalb Residents React To Steel Dynamics
Butler Resident Diane Pinney: “We That Are On Social Security And Minimum Wages Cannot Afford Another Penny!” In letter written to the editor of The Butler Bulletin, Butler resident Diane Pinney wrote, “An article in today’s Journal Gazette (February 11, 1994) came to my attention. In fact, it hit me in the face! It seems that Keith Busse of Steel Dynamics, the Butler City Council, and Tom Lavin of the DeKalb County Council have been meeting directly, making deals for the Steel Dynamics plant that involve new taxes on Butler residents and all of DeKalb County…We that are on Social Security and minimum wages cannot afford another penny!!! When are we going to learn to say NO to this type of business deal? What are we going to get in return from this steel mill? I’m afraid that we’re only going to get taken- again!” [The Butler Bulletin, 2/15/94] See more reactions after the jump.
ICYMI: Romney Profited From Government Handouts
This morning, the Los Angeles Times reported on Mitt Romney's reliance on tax breaks and government subsidies while working in private equity. The article focuses on Steel Dynamics, the same steel company featured in Romney's positive ad released just this morning, and all of the government help they received. In fact, Dekalb County was forced to institute a new tax to pay for all of the handouts. Despite his constant opposition to government interference in the free market, Mitt Romney has a long history of profiting from government handouts. Research after the jump.