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Foreign Policy

Monday, Aug 15 2016

Donald J. Trump Is Calling For A Total And Complete Ban On…Himself?

In the months since he first announced his un-American ban on Muslims entering the U.S. in December, Donald Trump's regularly…

Monday, Aug 15 2016

Is Trump's Chief Adviser Accessing Classified Intel While On Foreign Nationals' Payroll?

At his foreign policy speech today, Trump said he'd want to have a closer relationship with Russia. Is it because…

Monday, Aug 15 2016

Who's Borrowing Trump's Talking Points? First David Duke, Now Hezbollah

Last week, Donald Trump absurdly called President Obama the "founder of ISIS."  There was initial backlash, but that didn't stop Trump from doubling-down almost…

Friday, Aug 12 2016

Trump's 24 hour lapse: "No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS"

Shot:  --Donald J Trump, Twitter, 6:26 AM, 8/12/2016   Chaser: Less than 24 hours earlier: Hewitt: I’ve got two more questions.…

Thursday, Aug 11 2016

"[Obama's] The Founder Of ISIS": More Pro-Putin Talking Points From Trump

First, Trump started using Russian talking points on Crimea, arguing that Russia never invaded Ukraine and, even if they did, the "people of…

Monday, Aug 8 2016

Trump Winning The Hearts And Minds… Of The Russian People

Donald Trump's praise for Vladimir Putin and pivot to a shockingly pro-Russia foreign policy doctrine has made him quite the…

Wednesday, Aug 3 2016

Pro-Russia Trump Adviser's Ties With Iran

Donald Trump needs only to look in his own backyard to find shady ties with Iran and Russia. Trump foreign…

Wednesday, Aug 3 2016

Trump's Nuclear Unpredictability

Giving Donald Trump the nuclear codes would be tantamount to giving a toddler... well, the nuclear codes. Today on Morning…

Wednesday, Aug 3 2016

Straw-Grasping Republicans Catch Up On January's News

Republicans are suddenly growing outraged by "news" of a "secret" Iran deal today; a deal publicly announced and well-reported seven…

Sunday, Jul 31 2016

But wait! Trump made news this morning on Ukraine, Putin, tax returns…

Donnie made waves this morning by lashing out at the Gold Star parents of a soldier killed in Iraq, but he also…

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