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Foreign Policy

Friday, Sep 9 2016

Trump's Terrifying Approach To North Korea

Last night, news broke that North Korea has likely conducted a successful nuclear test -- this would be the fifth test by…

Friday, Sep 9 2016

Trump Pushing More Kremlin Talking Points On DNC Hack?

Three months after Donald Trump openly asked Russia to conduct cyberespionage on a political opponent and meddle in the U.S. election, Trump's…

Thursday, Sep 8 2016

No Wizard Behind The Curtain, Just Dangerous, Dictator-Loving Trump

Last night gave America a preview of what to expect in the upcoming presidential debates from Donald Trump -- spoiler…

Wednesday, Sep 7 2016

Trump's Shady Foreign Business Ties Create "Unprecedented" Conflict Of Interest

"I’m campaigning, I’m running a business, I'm doing a lot of things" -- here's what you need to know about…

Wednesday, Sep 7 2016

Donald Trump: Russian Investing Doll?

Donald Trump, tonight: "I think I would have a very, very good relationship with Putin." So, no sign Trump's backing…

Tuesday, Sep 6 2016

American Bridge Statement On Trump Saying He'd Abandon U.S. Allies On North Korea

At a town hall this afternoon, Donald Trump said that, as president, he would refuse to address the problem of North…

Wednesday, Aug 24 2016

Why Does Toomey Support Pro-Kremlin, Anti-Ukraine Trump?

How on earth can Pat Toomey even show his face today at Philly's Ukrainian Independence Day celebration when he stands…

Friday, Aug 19 2016

Manafort Is Out, But Trump Still Loves Putin

When Donald Trump brought on Paul Manafort as his campaign chair, Trump very well knew he was getting a man…

Wednesday, Aug 17 2016

Why Is Trump Allowing Advisers Paid By Putin (& His Allies) Access To Classified Intel?

Donald Trump's repeatedly proven himself unfit to be commander-in-chief. From his juvenile temperament to his disdain for the First and…

Tuesday, Aug 16 2016

MEMO: Trump's Pro-Russia Agenda And The Implications Of His Classified Briefings

A prolific Vladimir Putin admirer who once mused "[W]ill [Putin] become my new best friend?," Donald Trump is tomorrow set to receive his first…

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