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Wednesday, Jul 8 2015

NPR On Bush's 36% Tax Rate: "That's not close to true."

Unsurprisingly, NPR is out today with more evidence that Jeb Bush isn't telling the whole story on his tax rates. According to NPR, Bush's average effective rate is 24.5 percent, not the 36 percent he claims, writing: "That's a confusing number, and it obscures three decades in which Bush's income climbed slowly, then explosively." On top of that, Bush paid a 36 percent tax rate…

News Wednesday, May 27 2015

Jeb's Financial Swamp: Complicated Business Dealings Will Beleaguer Bush

While certain Beltway Bandits freak out at the mere mention of "LLC," here's where the real action is: Jeb Bush's long history of complex financial dealings, shell companies, and ghost corporations. Since leaving office, Jeb's financial dealings have been positively Romneyesque, with companies like Granada Investment Holdings, Altara Investments, and Columbus Equity Holdings all registered to Bush and with purposes that have not yet been publicly determined or accounted for. For more background, check out below:

Jeb Bush Has A Web Of Pass-Through LLCs With Undisclosed Clients And Purposes


News Wednesday, May 20 2015

American Bridge Files FOIA Requests Following New Findings on Scott Walker's WEDC

New reports from the Wisconsin State Journal and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel show that Scott Walker was aware of the approval of a loan from…

Wednesday, Mar 25 2015

GOPers stepping in e-mail problems

Republicans have been quick to score political points after recent e-mail controversies, but even more GOPers are now being called out for their own transparency issues. Chris Christie,Terry Branstad, Ted Cruz, and Jeb Bush are the latest Republican pots to call the kettle black. Check out the recent dust-ups over Republican email hypocrisies: WNYC: "One year ago this week, a taxpayer-funded report traced the George Washington Bridge lane closures to Gov. Chris Christie's office and determined that a series of reforms were needed to make sure nothing like Bridgegate ever happened again..."

News Wednesday, Mar 25 2015

AP Uncovers More Hypocrisy From Jeb Bush


Bush Emails Website: “I Am Posting The Emails Of My Governorship Here… But They're All Here So You Can Read Them” I am posting the emails of my governorship here. Some are funny; some are serious; some I wrote in frustration. But they're all here so you can read them and make up your own mind.” [, accessed 3/17/15]


As Florida governor, Jeb Bush used another, previously unreported email address, records show - the newest wrinkle in an evolving debate over public officials' use of private email accounts. ... Those emails also include references to another email address, [email protected]. Bush said through a spokeswoman that he was unaware of the account, although records showed that people wrote to him there more than 400 times between 1999 and 2004.

Tuesday, Mar 17 2015

ICYMI: Jeb Bush's Baffling Hypocrisy (WEB AD)

Jeb Bush attacked Hillary Clinton's private e-mails as “a little baffling, to be honest with you" but what's baffling is why Governor Bush would taunt others given his troubling vulnerabilities about his much more extensive e-mail problem. The Washington Post reported that Bush compromised security by discussing troop movements on his personal e-mail account, and The New York Times found that it took Governor Bush more than seven years to fully comply with a Florida public records statute on email disclosure -- a violation of state law.

Monday, Mar 16 2015

Jeb Bush's Email Hypocrisy Comes Home to Roost

It's Sunshine Week in Florida, but storm clouds are gathering for Jeb Bush.  Take a look at the press he's earning for his hypocrisy on e-mail records and transparency. New York Times:  Mr. Bush delivered the latest batch of 25,000 emails in May 2014, seven and a half years after leaving the Statehouse and just as he started to contemplate a potential run for the White House, according to a newly disclosed letter written by his lawyer. A Florida statute governing the preservation of public records requires elected officials, including the governor, to turn over records pertaining to official business “at the expiration of his or her term of office.” "If they’ve been adding to it, it’s a technical violation of the law,” said Barbara A. Petersen, president of the First Amendment Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan group in Florida that advocates access to government information.

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