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Wednesday, May 20 2015

American Bridge Files FOIA Requests Following New Findings on Scott Walker's WEDC

May 20, 2015

New reports from the Wisconsin State Journal and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel show that Scott Walker was aware of the approval of a loan from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) to one of his political donors, William Minihan. This latest development directly contradicts “statements by the governor and his aides that he was not aware of the award,” said the Journal Sentinel. Consequently, American Bridge has filed FOIAs for the correspondence between Gov. Walker, his chief of staff, and Minihan and Minihan’s company, Building Committee Inc. American Bridge is working diligently to hold the governor, his office, and his political cronies accountable for this shady loan deal, which has cost Wisconsin taxpayers millions.

See the FOIA requests here and here.

Published: May 20, 2015

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