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Rubio (1)

U.S. Senate Florida

Marco Rubio

Saturday, Feb 13 2021

American Bridge 21st Century Statement on Senate Impeachment Vote

American Bridge 21st Century President Bradley Beychok released the following statement after Senate Republicans voted against convicting Donald Trump: “Ron…

News Marco Rubio Tuesday, Feb 9 2016

#Marcomentum Gives Way To Blown Expectations In NH

After a horrible debate and subsequent three days during which Marco Rubio revealed himself to be a robotic politician with nothing to offer but…

Sunday, Feb 7 2016

RubioBot Called Out For His "Computer Algorithmic" Style By NH Press Months Ago

Marco Rubio's getting rave reviews for his expert robot impression at last night's debate. But "RubioBot" is not a new…

Sunday, Feb 7 2016

American Bridge’s Marco Roboto & Rubio Talking Point 3000 Take New Hampshire By Storm

American Bridge thought the Marco Rubio campaign might need some backup while they reboot the RubioBot to avoid another debate…

Marco Rubio, Climate Scientist

Sen. Marco Rubio made headlines this weekend with an eyebrow-raising rebuke of science. Here's what the 2016 presidential hopeful told ABC's Jonathan Karl:

"I don't agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow there are actions we can take today that would actually have an impact on what's happening in our climate. Our climate is always changing. And what they have chosen to do is take a handful of decades of research and say that this is now evidence of a longer-term trend that's directly and almost solely attributable to manmade activity, I do not agree with that."
It's unclear when Sen. Rubio became a connoisseur of climate science with the authority to chide the 97% of climate scientists who agree that humans are contributing to climate change. Perhaps it has something to do with his courting of the far right and their deep-pocketed, Koch-funded outside groups like Americans for Prosperity, which promises to spend $125 million this year to buoy candidates that embrace their extreme agenda. AFP's president, Tim Phillips, hasn't parsed words in bragging about their role in pushing Republican candidates to deny climate science:
"We’ve made great headway. What it means for candidates on the Republican side is, if you … buy into green energy or you play footsie on this issue, you do so at your political peril. The vast majority of people who are involved in the [Republican] nominating process—the conventions and the primaries—are suspect of the science. And that’s our influence. Groups like Americans for Prosperity have done it."
So there you have it. Marco Rubio was born and raised in Miami, a city that is severely threatened by rising sea levels associated with climate change. He has an opportunity as a Senator to take action on climate change, stand up for his constituents, and help protect his home state. But he'd rather protect his political aspirations, spewing the mythical rhetoric that the Koch brothers and their allies have made mainstream in today's GOP. At least we know where his priorities lie.

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