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Tuesday, Feb 9 2016

#Marcomentum Gives Way To Blown Expectations In NH

Feb 09, 2016

After a horrible debate and subsequent three days during which Marco Rubio revealed himself to be a robotic politician with nothing to offer but canned talking points, RubioBot spent the past twentyfour hours doing damage control. Working hard to lower expectations heading into tonight, Rubio floated worst-case scenarios, despite offering assurances that “We’re going to finish strong here.”

But that was all far too little, far too late.  Team Marco went public with its second-place Granite State aspirations last month, when it leaked its so-called “3-2-1 Plan.” Since then, Rubio’s campaign has continued to hype up New Hampshire #Marcomentum, even spinning his third-place loss in Iowa as a “win” that would propel him to a second-place “victory” tonight.

That kind of spin isn’t possible this time around. There’s no way to frame Rubio’s failure to meet even his own lowered expectations as a win. Here’s the truth: Rubio came up way short because his supporters bailed when they saw him for the empty, robotic politician that he is.

Rolling into South Carolina, where Rubio’s steadily polling in a weak, third-place position, Team Marco’s 3-2-1 plan has very quickly become an out-of-reach fantasy. 
Tonight’s finish — losing out to John Kasich — is decidedly not the establishment-lane consolidation that the folks at Rubio HQ were hoping for — and it’s a major setback for Rubio’s candidacy moving forward.

Here’s how the Rubio campaign turned #Marcomentum into blown expectations in the Granite State
:Marcomentum Making Its Way to NHNH Is Rubio CountryOverflowing Crowds Since NHMarcomentum Very Much Alive in NHHard not to feel Marcomentum

Washington Post: After tough week, Rubio says he will ‘finish strong’ in New Hampshire

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), hoping for a strong finish to a tough week of campaigning in New Hampshire, greeted voters early Tuesday at polling places in Manchester and Bedford, N.H., and sounded a confident note about his position in the race.
Rubio, who has been dogged by his presidential rivals for repeating himself several times at Saturday’s debate, said he felt “great” about where he was at the conclusion of the New Hampshire race.
“It’s an incredible experience, an incredible process and we’ve loved being a part of it. We’re going to finish strong here and we’re going to head to South Carolina,” he said in Manchester.

National Review: Rubio’s Team Plots Path to Nomination: Third in Iowa, Second in N.H., First in S.C. 

The strategy, dubbed “3-2-1” by some who have been briefed on it, forecasts a sequence in which Rubio takes third place in Iowa on February 1, finishes second in New Hampshire on February 9, and wins South Carolina on February 20.

CBS News: Marco Rubio bets on long-haul strategy to GOP nomination
The campaign expects Rubio to come in third place in Iowa, second in New Hampshire, and then finishing in first in South Carolina on February 20.
Huffington Post: Don’t Let The Media And Marco Rubio Tell You He ‘Won’ By Finishing Third In Iowa
The spin is already happening. “This is the moment they told us would never happen,” Rubio said Monday night.
 “They told me we had no chance.” His campaign manager, Alex Conant, struck a similar tune. “This is a big night for us,” Conant said. “It’s probably a three-person race leaving here. If you don’t want Trump or Cruz to be the nominee, you better get on board with Marco Rubio.”

Mic: Marco Rubio Has a Strategy to Win the Primary — But Could It Cost Him the General?
If Rubio turns in a robust showing behind the top two finishers in Iowa, this theory goes, he’ll be well-positioned to finish second to Trump in New Hampshire on Feb. 9, effectively finishing off establishment candidates Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Chris Christie.

New Republic: Marco Rubio’s path to victory has an underpants gnome problem.

Before the Iowa caucuses, Marco Rubio supporters were spinning an elaborate-sounding tale about their plan to vault from third to first over the course of the first three primaries—notwithstanding Donald Trump’s prohibitive leads in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

The Hill: Rubio early-state strategy comes with potential risks

Marco Rubio’s campaign appears to be coalescing around a unique and potentially risky strategy to catch fire in the GOP presidential primary, one that isn’t predicated on success in either Iowa and New Hampshire.  
The strategy, disclosed by National Review earlier this week after conversations with multiple Rubio aides, has earned the nickname of the “3-2-1” strategy—third place in Iowa, second place in New Hampshire and first place in South Carolina. 

MSNBC: Rubio scrambles to adapt to a changing race

Remember, National Review published a piece the other day saying Rubio’s team hopes to win through a “3-2-1” strategy that involves coming in third in Iowa, second in New Hampshire, and first in South Carolina.
It wasn’t long ago that Rubio believed he could win the Iowa caucuses outright, and now he’s scaling back ad buys and trying to lower expectations.

Published: Feb 9, 2016

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